Reve Legacy - 4.0

May 30, 2011 12:17

At last, I have my stuff together and can provide updates! :D
Last time, the children grew into teens and we met some of the more interesting townies in Ville de Reve: Jay Queen, Brent Golden, Teddy Cantrell, and Unfortunate Hair Girl among them. I decided to have double heirs with Laila and Julien, and I mentioned that there would be some conditions to Julien being an heir. Today is the day I reveal these stipulations. >:D

But first, a fight broke out between Aurelie and...some unnamed person who is feeling her wrath. I don't remember who it was - this is the problem with having such a time gap between taking pictures and posting them. -__-

Julien has taken the position of Perpetually Shirtless Male. It really is a burden to be so ridiculously good-looking.

Like I said, ridiculously good-looking.
Julien: Blue Steel!
There really should be a model career, Julien would own. Anyway, it's birthday time once again!

I want to say this was a glitch because I definitely did not send any of the kids to game was borktastic around this time, I remember that much.

I used the hacked tree thing to age him correctly and he now looks like a boy band reject, this must be fixed. It's Antoinette's turn for caek now.

She's still pretty, but also still a Vince clone.

I aged up Jay Queen with Antoinette and he was on the lot, so he grew up right there...either that or I aged him up with the tree you see there in the background. Either way, he's legal now.

Antoinette's makeover is much more appropriate, I think. I love that hair on her so much.

I needed to start clearing out the house to make room for the double heir madness that was about to happen, so off went Antoinette.

The townie girl grew up, too, she looks cute! She stopped by for a visit.

...a visit comprised almost solely of making out with Julien.
Vince: LOL! *oblivious*
Aurelie: *ignoring everyone*

Jay Queen: Jay Queen requires cake.
I love that he wore a suit to their house, and I imagine him speaking in the third person a lot.

I gave Julien a makeover as well, isn't he cute?

Viola fulfilled her LTW, yay!

Meanwhile, Julien practices fulfilling his LTW by having bathtub adventures.

Julien: Poseidon will be pleased with my vigilance!

Apparently it paid off because he got a promotion the next day.

His dad got a promotion, too.
Vince: Awww yisss. :D

He walked into the kitchen and just stared at Viola for a is going on?

Oh, I see.
Julien: Hold still, Dad, this is a great shot!
Random policeman: *stares*
I don't remember where the cop came from...maybe Vince brought him home as a friend.

Viola grew up, too, her clothes changed but she needs a new elder-appropriate hair.
Vince: I may be old now, but I still got it!
He's keeping the mohawk.

Much better.

Apparently Vince partied too heartily, so he passed out on the couch.

He was still asleep and missed Pierre growing up, how sad.

He looks exactly the same, but so adorable! I want to pinch his cheeks. :B

I recognize this new visitor as Erick Thorne from the beginning of the last gen, but why is he here? I don't know, so let's watch Laila grow up.

She is so pretty! I love her.

Upon zooming out I got a look at those hideous pants, bleh. Now it's Aurelie's turn.

She's cute, too, reminds me a lot of Vince and Antoinette.
Julien: Oh my god, what is that smell?!
I have no idea what that face was about. o_O

As Laila watches Aurelie and Pierre leave, she ponders the fact that she's an ignorant dunce. I hate that Sims have such a negative reaction to not going to college.

Fortunately, mac and cheese heals all wounds.
Laila: My soul is torn asunder.

Julien: What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of me eating. *omnomnom*

Since there were some new vacancies in the house, I decided to bring up Julien's heir contract. In order for him to be an heir, he needed to get abducted and provide alien babies. I want elf ears, dammit.
I brought out the special hacked telescope to guarantee abduction just for him. ^__^

Julien: Danger, you say? I'm on it. :3
Poor thing, he suspects nothing.

Julien: Hmm, what is that strange light?

It was over soon.

Julien: ...buh? *head goes through grass*

Julien: My poor ass. :C
Also, now that I've heard that damn Katy Perry song, "E.T.", it's all I can think of while posting these pics.

That's a relief, at least he can rest his ass now.

Now we see what Vince was doing while Julien was out...learning to Bust a Move.
Vince: Look what I can do!

Vince: Sh-sh-shaaa!
Julien: Oh, my!
Oh, my, indeed. o__o Vince is quite spry in his elder years.

While Julien was out, I gave Laila a makeover. This hair was basically made for her.

Julien lays on his bed to rest his ass and think about...the random cop from earlier? I don't even know.

He was just about to get some food when he had some suspicions about what went down during his abduction.

Julien: This calls for pancakes!
Just don't burn them this time. Waffle will make sure you don't start a fire.

Teddy Cantrell stopped by to visit and I see he grew up quite well.

Laila: WELCOME BACK! *sucks face off*
That's ACR, for you.

They fall in love with one compliment. This guy is good.

Awesome! Moneys are good.

Know what else is good? Woohoo.
Viola: Oh, yes, I remember this. Good work, dear. :D
Teddy: Hi, Mrs. Reve.
Vince: *stares into space*

Vince: Kitty!
...okay, then.

Julien loves that damn bath tub so much.

Teddy shows that he hasn't forgotten how to make the creepy faces.

Teddy: Hay gurl, can I have yo numbah?
Wtf, you just slept with her daughter!
Viola: *oblivious*

Julien: Those pants...are a crime against fashion. I think I'm going to be sick.
Laila: *sigh*
Julien really is my favorite.

He does end up getting sick, but from the alien baby and not the horrid pants.

Until now, I'd forgotten about my mpreg default replacements. They're awesome.

Viola: Who's a good kitty? You're a good kitty! :D
Everyone was really nice to Ignatius for some reason, and he endured it all without getting pissed off.

I don't remember what made Teddy make that face, but it amused me. Laila was not amused but just stood there, as usual.

Perhaps he senses a disturbance in The Force?

I scrolled around the house to see Vince trying to repair the shower, him and his one mechanical point.

Vince: Y U NO FIX??? GAHHHH!!!!

Just for fun, I decided to use the hacked crystal ball to check out possible dates for Laila. In the list we see, Brent Golden the creeper, Gideon of the elf ears and bad profile, Irwin Bernard who went on that outing with Viola at the very beginning of the legacy, and a man who looks like he escaped my custom face template defaults and was generated by Maxis. That left Leandros Edison as the only possible date, so he was summoned.

He's so serious.

Then he went to look out the window and I can't believe how adorable he is!

Leandros: Hehehe...boobs.
Laila: I like you, Leandros.
They were made for each other. XD

Julien continues to make messes all over the house with his eating habits.

Laila and Leandros were flirting it up when Vince and Viola wandered in.
Viola: Hello, dear, who's your new friend?
Vince: *oblivious*
I really shouldn't be surprised by now.

*awkward silence*
Viola: What?

Look at that face, Leandros is quite the lady killer.

I think the mpreg defaults don't quite work together with the any-wear-pregnancy hack, but rest assured that Julien is still pregnant. He was quite big by this point.

I usually forget about the Maxis balding hairs, but this townie ran by and reminded me. Usually I spare my sims of male-pattern baldness, but this guy was not so lucky.

Waffle looks so derpy here, I love this picture. XD

The skunk is afraid of fire...but why?

I scrolled over to see the bathroom on fire. The Skunk of Foreboding was right!
I think what happened was a glitch or something because it went away soon enough, and the skunk was nowhere to be found. dun dun dunnnn

Laila got a promotion, she looks satisfied with herself.

They got another visit from Chief, the Wilford Brimley cat of the neighborhood.

I now see where Julien gets his interest in the bathtub's a pity that Viola didn't roll the Hand of Poseidon LTW.

Leandros continues to be adorable, so I decided I wanted him in the legacy and he moved in.
Leandros is a Family Sim with the LTW of graduating 3 kids from college (lol no). His turn-ons are logical raven-haired ladies, and he doesn't like those who are too voluptuous. His personality is 6 neat, 3 shy, 6 active, 4 serious, and 6 nice. He really is a sweetheart. :3

Julien was hanging out in his parents' room and started randomly rubbing his belly...

He didn't start labor until he went into his own room for some reason. Either way, it looks painful.

For this generation, I decided that I wanted Shakespeare names. I named the alien baby boy Othello, one of my favorite Shakespeare plays.
As a sidenote, wouldn't it be cool to remake Othello with Othello as an alien instead of a moor? The themes could still work, it could be really really cool.../nerd

Meanwhile, in Laila's room...

Right after he got out of the bed, Leandros gave me his serious face...and all I could think of was that song, "I Just Had Sex."
Damn you, Lonely Island, and your catchy tunes.

I rearranged the house in order to accommodate Othello, look at those building skills.

Leandros: I hate that her dad is always standing there...just watching us.

Ignatius is now an elder kitty.

I'm interested to know how golf and creativity points are connected, but whatever...does the business golf reward thing build creative points?

I imagine Leandros standing there, still singing "I Just Had Sex."

I don't remember Viola getting pregnant...this is what happens when you play with the sound off.

Othello's infancy passed without incident, and now he transitions into toddler-dom.

In a strange turn of events, everyone is present for the birthday...including Brent Golden. This guy is truly The Master of Creepers.

Othello is quite cute, there are the elf ears that I wanted. I am happy. :D

So that's all for this update! I have many more to post, I'm already into Gen 6 in terms of in-game playing, but I promised myself that I wouldn't go farther until I post more updates since I'm so behind.
I also got a new computer! It's an HP desktop that loads the game unbelievably fast, so I've been playing quite a bit, just not the Reves. I managed to back up my game correctly this time so there shouldn't be any hiccups in terms of Sim appearance/relationships/etc. like my last game reboot where I had to restart with Viola. There will be a difference in graphics quality since I can play with all options on high now. >:D

sims, reve legacy

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