(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 14:28

So ther e was a storm 2 nightsa ago and my power has been out ever since. Its only because i am living there that the power has not come back on. seriously 98 degrees days in the middle of july and we can1t have air conditioning. However i have made deo by just not being at home as much as possible. the first night i excaped to lovely alex's house where we did the usual. Ate more than 2 young girls should be allowed to eat and watched movies. Everyoine see Sarah Silvermans "Jesus is Magic" its soooo funny.

yesterday i went to Kings Dominion with laura and had one of the best days i1ve had in a long time. We ate alot, played DDR and by the end of the ngiht, the Hurler was empty so we just rode it continuously until They closed the ride. And the very last ride was the best part because the fireworks began to go off and we rode the ride as the fireworks exploded right befor us and everything was just so amazing.

i think i want to cut my hair, but i am very scared to. there are few hairstyles that i can make work. i dunno, i`ll keep thinking about it.
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