Oct 17, 2007 00:06
Apparently Carl doesn't take kindly to having the festering remains of my love life stuffed up his nasal passages. He was in the music lab right next to me, and I didn't notice until he moved across to the other side of the room. Hahahaha I was giving some pretty weird looks to my computer...maybe he thought I was coming onto him.
Hahahahahahaaa ^_^v Sometimes I really would like to see what other people think of me. Particularly those guys that I've had crushes on. Call me vain, but I'd find them rather amusing. I'm definitely not known for my book's cover. Sure, it looks like a elaborate, guilded thing from the outside, but all that's inside is sappy love songs and knock-knock jokes. The pages with anything serious on them are dog-eared and glued shut.