Mosquito Fiesta

Jun 20, 2004 23:03

Greetings Bloodsucking insects on a pesticide-high! i thought that I might actually put something into this for a change.

it is the summer, and since it is the summer, my life has been oh so great. I have had the best time in my life with Liz, and i hope it never ends. It will be 7 months on next friday, the 25th, and I can't wait until that is 7 years.

Let me give you a quick run back on teh past few days.

June 18th- Obversity and mosquitos do not mix! A warning to you all.

Well ok, there is nothing else important in there. Hey, elliot, read this and give me a call ok, I have to talk to you about maybe hanging out this thursday down at the art museum, Liz wants to meet you.

Here's a little something for the fans out there.

WARNINGCrellec is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.

How to make a Crellec

1 part pride

1 part ambition

5 parts empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little curiosity if desired!

Personality cocktail

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You are Cool!
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Cool quizzes at

I think that will be all
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