Life is strange +/- of a really long week

Jun 21, 2008 12:19

+ My parents were out of town most of the week, which meant life was sooooo much less stressful
+ I FINALLY got my license on Wednesday and therefore am only trapped by the fact that I don't have insurance yet.
+ I found a really neat yoga DVD that is super relaxing and just challenging enough to keep me doing it. I think I'm going to add it to my morning routine.
-  Within the first 30 second of my dad being home I was getting yelled at for something I had absolutely no control over.
- being treated like I'm 16 not 22 ( Dad wanted to send me driving school, should have thought about that 6 years ago when he scared me out of driving; getting told how to do things like the dishes and laundry)
+ $100 from grandpa for graduating, but supposedly to help pay for driving school
- realizing the where the stupid idea of driving school came from, feeling annoyed at the male superiority complex that is so very ingrained in my family. Annoyed that my dad complained about me not being a good driver to his dad.
+ Barnes & Noble Hired me part time, I start my orientation on Thursday!
- Overhearing parents talk about me when I'm just in the next room, I'm not deaf and we have tile floors.
+ one step closer to being out of this house and at least mildly removed from the insanity.
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