(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 16:20

I'm rusty. Squeaky. The cogs in my head won't rotate, but it's only my fault since I've neglected to oil my cranial gears. I haven't written anything in the past month, but that's only because I refuse to let myself start writing. Not out of distinct obligations, but out of neglect of nurturing a first sentence. I craved to discard my first two word as soon as they assumed existence on my screen, however, I reluctantly allowed them a few more days in the sun and they blossomed. Not necessarily into a flower, maybe a weed or one of those weeds that look like a flower, but definitely not something you'd pick up and smell. Ahh, they're making way.

My ideas for movies have fallen as short as my attention span for work. Not to be tucked away into the job category, but the school category as well. What have I come up with? A single notion on the outskirts of emptiness. The rest (the good ones) have been suggested by friends. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's always an ambitious feeling to have planted the seed on your own. I'd like one of my sooner works to branch entirely from one of my own ideas. Ah but listen to me! I act like my head is filled with helium (not far from the truth, but I also have neon and argon in there too). There are thoughts in there buried under a few feet of dirt--I just need to find my shovel. Once I get the ball rolling... I'll likely trickle out like I did with Wind Chime (kidding). But I do have high hopes to keep myself on track.
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