Mar 15, 2011 17:59
“Be strong” A phrase that’s easy to say but hard to fulfill.
In life, not everything goes out like the way you want it to lead. There’s always the ups and downs. It’s hard to pretend that everything is alright when the truth is, nothing is. I know I’m not perfect but in the first place, who is. People always say that they envy my life and it puzzled me. What’s there to envy about when you don’t have a harmony family. What’s there to envy about when you feels insecure all the time. What’s there to envy about when you can’t even do things that you want to do. Just because you see me blog/fb/tweets about happy stuffs doesn’t means I’m happy with my life. Just because you spot me shopping at doesn’t mean I’m rich. Just because I reached home past midnight doesn’t mean I have freedom. But most importantly, just because I’m happy on the outside doesn’t means that im happy on the inside.