Nov 21, 2004 19:42
--Name: Jeremy
--Birthdate: July 24, 1984
--Birthplace: California
--Current Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
--Eye color: Green/Hazel
--Hair color: Dirty Blonde
--Height: 6'3"
--Righty or Lefty: Righty
--Zodiac Sign: Leo
--Innie or Outtie: Innie =P
--Do you smoke?: Nope
--Cuss?: Yep
--Sing Well?: Hah
--Do you think you've been in love?: Something like it.
--Want to go to college: I really wish I could.. wait I am.
--Liked High School?: Yep, awesome times!
--Want to get married?: Some day
--Type with fingers on the right keys: Yep, my finger hits the 't' button when I want to type 't' etc.
--Get motion sickness: Nope
--Think you're attractive: Nope
--Think you're a health freak: Obviously I am................
--Get along with parents: Sure do.
--Like Thunderstorms: With a passion.
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: I played shirts VS. skins in gradeschool. Otherwise no.
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: Nope
--Been caught "doing something"?: Nope
--Been Called a "Tease": Every day of my life...........(so many periods).....
--Shoplifted?: Nope
--Age you hope to be married?: By 80 methinks =P No clue.
--How do you want to die?: Feeling accomplished
--Where do you want to go to college: ASU?
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: A Best Buy salesman (shoot me in the face) Prolly IT geek of sorts.
--Most like to visit?: New Zealand currently.
-=-= HAVE YOU EVER: =-=-
1. Consumed Alchohol: Nope
2. Had Sex: Nope
3. Made Out: nope
4. Gone On Date: Nope (Well, Prom)
5. Gone To the Mall: The.. M.aa...aaal..aall? What is that?
6. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Holy crap, boxes of oreos are like 10 sleeves of 25 oreos! Are you nuts?
7. Eaten Sushi: Nope
8. Gone Skating: Yep (FINALLY A YES!)
9. Made Homemade cookies: Like once
10. Been in Love: See above.
11. Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
12. Dyed your hair: Nope
13. Stolen Anything: Besides someones heart? Hope not =x
14. Last movie you saw in a theater? Uhh, Saw? Not sure.
15. What book are you reading right now? ...
16. Favorite Board Game? Trivial Persuit
17. Favorite Magazine? Lego! Gamer or PC Gamer or something like that.
18. Favorite Smell? Pretty!
19. Comfort Foods? Marshmallows are pretty soft, they're prolly pretty comfortable.
20. Favorite Sounds? Rain.
21. Worst feeling in the world? Not knowing what is goin on.
22. What is the first thing you think of when you wakeup in the morning? "Jeremy....tired. Pillow...soft. Why Jeremy and pillow not stay together?"
23. Favorite fast food place? Pei Wei, I spose. Or Chipotle.
24. Future child's name? Girl: Ariel Boy: not terribly sure. Maybe an Aden or something.
25. Finish this statement. If I had a lot of money I would... By my friends and family gifts, for all to be merry!
26. Do you drive fast? Yeah.
27. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Naw
28. Storms- cool or scary? Mmmmmmmm
29. What was your 1st car? 88 Plymouth Colt E (Never even got to drive it. I didn't fit in the car :*(
30. Favorite drink? Slurpee
31. Finish this statement. If I had the time I would... hang out with ALL of my friends, and do my homework early, and be higher level in EQ, and travel more, and work more.
32. Do you eat the stems on brocolli? The best part you mean? Yes
33. If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose? Clear!
34. How many different towns/cities have you lived in? Cities? Umm, hmmm.. lemme think about that. 7 or 8 cities.
35. Glass half emty or half full? Drinking it... half empty. Filling it...half full.
36. Favorite sport to watch? Football
37. Say one nice thing about the person you got this from: She deserves better than the treatment she gets at Best Buy! =P
38. Toilet Paper/Paper towel,over or under? Over
39. Morning person or night owl? Nights!
40. Over easy or sunny side up? Scrambled
41. Place to relax? My room
42. Favorite Pie? Chocolate Satin