Another OOC Note:

Dec 10, 2012 00:26

Please, please, please, please. Don't be this person.

THEM: hello?
THEM: oh
ME: yes?
THEM: okay.. who's your character in LIve Jounral
ME: i have...a lot
ME: what canon?
THEM: Tron.
ME: oooh. i have a zuse and a quorra and someday soon i'll have a RAM from the orig tron
THEM: likes Ram.
THEM: okay.. yeah.. Castor..and Quorra.
ME: yep
ME: im sorry...who am i talking to?
THEM: I am new ... knida there.. I haven't really gotten that far yet.. meeting new people.. who rp these famous movie characters.
ME: where'd you get my AIM?
ME: yes where on LJ
THEM: on the Qurra and castor profile
THEM: I want people to talk to.. sad and bored
ME: okay sorry im still confused as to where you got my AIM. link? i dont recall putting it up somewhere...
THEM: into a character bio.
ME: oh, on ddd?
ME: my application?
THEM: yes
ME: aaah okay
THEM: do you rp?
THEM: (goes on to describe their oc...)
ME: mm i see
ME: so who are you?
THEM: as an OC?
ME: yeah have i rped with you at all?
THEM: some.. but not in a long while.
ME: i have a long memory
THEM: okay...
THEM: see my memories not that long
ME: look im just trying to figure out who you are and why you're talking to me, that's all
THEM: looking for again.. some rpers of tron..characters.
THEM: to interact with.
ME: okay yes i get that, but you said we've rped together, yet you can't tell me when?
ME: im sorry im just not comfortable with talking to people i've never interacted with before...
THEM: :} -.- I am just looking.. for good rpers.. people had let me down..way too many times.. and I am getting desperate for decent rpers.
ME: okay, great? so is everyone else
ME: just...randomly IMing them isn't the best way, it makes people nervous
THEM: it happens to me.. not often.. people are just too stubbern to do anything anymore.
ME: what are you trying to say
THEM: people irritate me up to the neck.
THEM: I just rp for fun.. getting to know them along the way.. anyhow.
ME: oh well sure but normally people wait until /after/ their characters have interacted
THEM: okay. I was for a long time.. looking for a kevin.. rper.. one who could play im.. that is.
ME: i dont think you're following what im saying
ME: what you're doing is a little rude...i mean i'd be fine IMing with you if we had at least interacted ICly before.
ME: i put my AIM there for when people had a reason to contact me or if they already knew me, not for random encounters with people i dont know
THEM: -.-


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