Oct 17, 2004 22:43
this rain is the highlight of my day.
anyone have some solutions for me?
i need to try harder.
this scenario which is my life is painfully droning.
i have adapted to this.
and i seem to be the essential piece in the part when the lights are lowered and words get harsh.
threats are served, pointless one liners and words of desperation are traded.
24 hrs later the start button is pushed.
my mind is still its own.
but the contents of my mind are stagnant.
they question and confuse even myself.
thus being insightful is not tolerable.
so i for now, for as long as i can, i remain minimally vocal.
we make cocktails of what knowlegde we choose to obtain and the experiences we have had.
what we percieve becomes our own reality.
but... what we really have created are theories.
i love cocktails.
i am not depressed or trying to be depressing.
these are just some words i came up with.
sometimes writing can be such a relief.
like purging, knowing you got it all out.
ahhhh the sigh of relief?
justification is great self medication.
i am writing a book one day.
the subject matter is nothing specific.
i dont like structure.
i am a good person.
i light matches when i take shits.