Ok, I went to Denman and it was amazing!!
Other than the 10 hour trip that it took to get there because of the nature of circumstances, it really was super fun. Ali gave me the grande tour of the island during the night and during the day. We went to the lake(s) and I nearly fell in the lake due to the really bad condition of the dock. He took me to the beach and I decided to do something romantic and took my socks and shoes off and decided to test out the waters. But unfortunately, I slipped on the big rock and fell in and my whole left side was wet. But still romantic none-the-less.
We found this huge tree that fell over during the wind storm and got really dirty exploring the forest with the boy's new GPS toy and survival machine.
We then proceeded to watch lots of TV and went to the store, and just taking in the area that Ali grew up in. I had an amazing time, and I really really really really hope to go again. We have some pictures in my cell phone, but I do not feel like spending $15 to transfer each picture.
Hopefully, I should be going back soon enough. :D
best friend: Katrina, Chloe, Crystal
lost any friends: no
gained any friends: yes, I have
went out of the country: I think I went to the states a couple of times
moved: no
new school: well, um... I'm still at SFU and it feels like I'm never leaving, so no
how many times on an airplane: this past year? none times
have you changed: I think I have changed in some subtle ways. I'm a little wiser, a little older, a little something else
new look: I don't think so. I mean, I let my hair grow out this year.
most depressed time this year: I think I always get super upset, emotional, and moody around the time of exams.
best time this year: just hanging out with my friends and my boy. It's the little moments that turn out to be really special
did you get heartbroken: no, thank goodness
who was your summer love: my boy, still is
favorite Season: it used to be summer, but it got so damn hot, so I'm going to say Spring. It's the perfect weather
least favorite season: I would say Fall. School starts again. The weather starts getting shitty, it rains like heck.
birthday?: Well, i got one this year
any snow this year: surprisingly, lots of snow in November
highest temperature: so hot that your skin sticks to the person next to you when you are on the bus. And that's just gross
kept your resolution: I maybe kept one. I don't know. I usually forget them as soon as I make them
got arrested: no
had a crush: i still have a super big girl crush on Natalie Portman
got dumped: no
lost a family member: Oh Stinky, you will be surely missed
got bad grades: I did get a C- in one class
kept a secret: yes
told a secret: yes
done something you totally regret: Of course!
In 2006 I...
[X] broke a promise
[X] made a new friend
[ ] fallen out of love
[X] fell in love (But I was always in love... you guys can puke now)
[X] lied
[X] went behind your parents back
[X] cried over a boy
[X] disappointed someone close
[X] hid a secret
[X] pretended to be happy
[X] kissed by a christmas tree (kind of. If a wreath taken apart and nailed to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree counts)
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[X] forgot your new years resolution (I forget everything)
[X] met someone who changed my life
[X] met one of your idols (DOUGLAS COUPLAND!!!! YEAH BABY!!!)
[X] changed your outlook on life (Kind of...)
[X] sat home all day doing nothing
[X] pretended to be sick ("Not tonight honey, I have a headache")
[X] left the country
[ ] almost died
[X] given up something important to you (But we all make these kind of sacrifices)
[X] lost something expensive (I'm sure I have, I just can't remember it)
[X] learned something new about yourself (Don't we all?)
[X] tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it (I think I tried some sort of food... don't remember what)
[ ] made a change in your life
[X] found out who your true friends were
[X] met great people
[X] stayed up til sunrise
[X] pigged out over the summer
[X] cried over the silliest thing
[ ] was never home on weekends
[X] got into a car accident (I don't want to talk about it)
[X] had friends who were drifting away from me
[ ] had someone close to me die
[X] had a high cell phone bill (Oh dear, was that an interesting story)
[X] wasted most of my money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[X] went to the beach
[X] met a celebrity (DOUGLAS COUPLAND!!!!!)
[X] gotten sick
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same time (no, I'm not a floozy)
[X] became closer to a lot of people