Sep 30, 2009 10:37


Got both of these ofblueutopiah.

→ What's one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?
Jeez, I have to think about this. Different definition of strange I suppose, but it will suffice.

Okay I won't name names but there was this one chick, at band camp, who decided that if she was miserable then everyone else must be to. She lied about eeeverything to garner sympathy and attention, she cried at the slightest moment that someone was happy. She ruined many many friend get togethers just from her mere presence. Unfortunately she was also my best friend. When I'm sober I have a fear of confrontation do I was kind of at a loss with how to passive aggressively get my revenge. Because by that time, my kindness towards her had worn very thin. Just because I don't talk about my problems does not mean I do not have them, it is not a go-ahead to dump imaginary issues on me and guilt me into feeling sorry and suffering for no reason.

Right so I've been doing this thing for about a year and a bit now (before I started on my anti-depressants) to help myself feel better and also direct all the negative energy back at the bastards who're sending it my way (chakra/aura crap for those who're curious). Namely her. As an experiment of sorts I sent all this grey energy right back at her.

Her life before was fine.

Now her father has terminal cancer, her housemate left her (as in she came home from work one night and all the furniture was gone), she can't get a job other than working in a shitty ass video store and to top it all off; all of her old friends don't give a shit about her. I couldn't be more amused at the coincidence.

→ What kind of comics do you read?
The Darkness. I don't like any other comics (purely because I don't like the art style) but Marc Silvestri has the best EVA designs and art style (and all the artists thereafter did wonderful too).

I read manga by the truckload on the internet.

→ If you could see one band in concert right now, any band, dead or alive, which would it be?
Psyclon Nine. Yeah. Didn't even have to think about that one.


→ What do you wish you could tell someone right now?
You know if you actually took your own advice your love-life wouldn't be such a trainwreck. Honestly, it's worse than watching a daytime soap opera. Plus, dude, she's jailbait. She's a teenage girl and she's fucking with your head and heart because you're older and you're showing interest in her. She probably doesn't give a shit about you. Why? Because she's 15.

→ What's one of your musical guilty pleasures?
Michael Jackson.

And I'm not saying this because he dies and all of a sudden it's okay to like him because now that he's dead he's suddenly not a supposed paedophile and the stigma of fear and disgust that followed him name around has mysteriously disappeared. He made some good songs.

Point is he made good songs.

For fucks sake, forget everything else. A musician is not famous for his personal affairs or how they look, nor do I give a shit about them, it's the music that matters.

→ What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
YYH although muse seems to think that FFVII and AnK is tastey for the moment.

And November is coming so I'm kind of working on this years original characters leik whoa. They're speak back too, which is GOOD.

→ Where would you like to go right now if you had enough money?
Or maybe I'd hop on a plane and chill (ha!) with my cousin in Egypt. Lucky bastard.

→ What color is your bed?
Red and black. My second duna is cream/white.

→ What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, DA, Twitter (needs an acronym), y!G, and Facebook.

→ What was the last thing you bought?
Err, fuel. But before that it was an LDD (series 18, Jingles like this but red instead of orange) and a book full of The Darkness artwork from the 360 game and comic.

→ What do you do to relax?
Read. And read and read and read. Sometimes I write, but that's only if I'm about to start bashing my head against walls. Usually when I write I'm already relaxed.

→ Does the weather affect your mood?
Yeah. Warm spring weather makes me delusional. No really. I get more paranoid.

→ What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius. On my good days I match pretty well.

→ Do you want to learn another language?

Es ist nicht wie ich kann bereits German, Französisch und ein kleiner Japaner sprechen, solange es irgendwie nicht gesprochen wird. Ein mehr wird nicht schmerzen. Vielleicht sollte ich Russisch lernen.

It's not like I can't already speak German, French and a little Japanese, as long as it's not spoken, anyway. One more will not hurt. Maybe I should learn Russian.

→ 5 things (not people) you can't live without?
My laptop
What's left of my sanity

→ Do you have any siblings?
Blood-wise I have one brother.

Don't ask about the others.

→ In no particular order, list two people who mean a lot to you.
*stares* Um. Fucking PTSD. Um.


I hate humans. Well, not really, I just don't feel any kind of love or fondness for them.

Yeah. Wow I failed this question.

→ Who do you really resent right now?
My boss. Too nosy. Too old. Too religious.

→ What were you doing online before you started this meme?

Driving to work.

Ah, TAG! *runs like hell*

Post a picture in my comments of what you think describes me when you think about what/who I am. Give no written explanation. Just an image.

Post this in your journal and see what images you get.

procrastination, i should be working, meme

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