Uh, yeah. Birthday was good. I had a LOT to drink. Didn't throw up once. Dear god, I'm turning into my aunties.
ADMIL failed because towards the end I was too drunk to remember to take photos and most of the good shit happened in the casino were camera's aren't allowed. I wore a green wig. I had many a drunk girls come up to me and touch it. I perved, spent far too much money on Midori Splices and Long Island Ice Teas.
Bought my parents a dart board with the birthday money I got, since I'm saving all I can.
hcolleen 's fault.
Who sleeps in bed next to you?
A while punch of pillows and occasionally a cat.
What did you last eat?
Pizza. Exactly one.
What kind of books do you read?
Usually romance/erotica of the paranormal nature. I used to read crime quite a lot, but I stopped reading them when I was about 14/15. Still, a few years of reading Koontz and Cornwel and I never really stop being interested in mysteries. JR Ward’s Fallen Angel series is good for that, since it combines detective/militaryness with supernatural shit. And bikers. And demons. And...Guh.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
In a nice bed. Mine is horrible. I need a new mattress. This one is too hard it’s hurting my back.
What's really strange?
I quite like the new version of Dante in his younger (than he was in DMC3) years. I can’t wait to see if Virgil is still a snob or if he’s badass too. JACKPOT!
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
Sephiroth plush.
What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?
Sort of flickering between AnK and DMC, though YYH will always be my home base.
What should you have done today that you didn't do?
Finished some of the racks I wanted to clean at work. Getting through that many cages is hard, and I feel like crap when I don’t get done what needs to be done on a set day. I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything.
Normally I wouldn’t give a shit, but leaving the mice’s cages to get dirty means that more die, since they tend to attack each other more. I also should have looked for more papers on gonadotrophins so I had more data to crunch. *sigh*
I also should have finished my assignment on horses, but I fucking hate horses.
What are you most excited for?
A-kon, baby. WHAT, you say?
Yes, I’m going.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, Twitter and occasionally DA, Y!G and rarely Facebook.
What was the last thing you bought?
Likely fuel. Of the top of my head it was Corel Painter 11 in which THE SERIAL CODE IS INVALID *ragerage*
If you could have any pet, what would it be?
German Shepherd....oh wait, I’m getting one of them.
Your past life: Tell me about it.
I’m aware of a few. For certain I was a Mayan sacrifice in one, another an explorer. Apparently it’s why I’m inquisitive and spiritual, though I tend not to settle on any one thing long. For example, I wear a pentagram, but not because I am devoted (in a way I am, however) but I do very much enjoy learning about other religions, old and new, and new places. Spirituality is in nature too, after all. And the body.
What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
Water. Sleep. DMC5.
Where is the place you like to return to in order to calm down / relax / etc.?
I have a shower. Then sit at my computer and read. It’s calming to me, escaping. I like it. I also clean my aura etc, since all the grey shit that infects it really pulls you down. I know I should do it nightly, but I forget or get lazy.
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU’RE ON ABOUT! (Or would if hcolleen hadn’t spamed me with youtube adds).
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I really want to kiss you, but I know for a fact you’re dominant and I’m not sure I’d like it. Still, I want to kiss you. Pity you’re taken. Ever consider an open relationship?
Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
There are parts of my childhood I can’t remember at all. I lived in a caravan for 5 or so months moving around here and there, before that on a farm where I was quite isolated.
I think I miss not knowing what I’m forgetting, but who knows.
Say something to the person who tagged you.
June, bb. June.
If you don't follow me on Twitter, you likely wouldn't have seen this, but it's a thing I'm working on.
Well, part of it anyway. Original characters, however.
I am working on a comic for the kink meme though, that's been pencilled I just need to scan and ink it...
So, how a bout a preview of this thing I'm working on, hm?
“When will he be ready?” the Elite asked, raising an eyebrow at Raoul. He tilted his head, looking over to Raoul. Glorious sable hair shifted on his shoulders, fell in a dead-straight river to his waist. While Raoul himself was a Blondie, and the Elite an Onyx, neither was more beautifully manufactured than the other. Pale skin and eyes were ripe with startling intelligence, though the Onyx had a certain edge of cunning that tended to make more than just Pets wary of what went on behind those beautiful eyes.
“Another week, perhaps. His vitals are quite stable, but after we remove him from the tank later today he will need to undergo a series of tests. If all is well, he will be sterilised and released to the Academy.” Raoul lowered the clipboard, crossed his arms over his chest. “Over all it will be another year before he’s quite ready to take up residence with you, Sir Karasu.”
The Elite’s eyes were a strange colour that absorbed an absurd amount of light, and curiously reflected it as an almost red instead of a stunning, but oddly dull violet in some cases. That, along with his unusual temperament, made him an over unsettling and unusual character. If Raoul hadn’t the paperwork to say that the man before him was indeed a Elite, vetted by Jupiter herself on his creation, Raoul would have suspected him of being somewhat mongrel .
That said, the majority of the Elites were glad that the Onyx lived off-world. No need to deal with him unless the Federation was in conference, and that happened only once a year. Other than that, Iason dealt with the Onyx personally. Governmental issues of his brand rarely involved anyone less than the Syndicate Leader himself.
They all did, however, respect an Elite that could put up with the special kind of hell that was the Foreign Amoian Ministry. Makai was, without a doubt, a backwater small little planet compared to their splendid homeworld. In fact, any planet was. Blondies adored being close to Jupiter. Raoul understood that, on some level, the Onyx felt the same maternal bond to their master creator, and yet he could not begin to fathom what it must have been like to be away from her city for so long. Then again, the Onyx would have never had the opportunity to revel in the grace that was her presence, her voice in one’s mind.
“Very well,” the Elite said, turning to face Raoul. “I’ll eagerly await notification on the Pet’s completion then.”
Raoul gave a genteel nod and set the charts off to the side once more. Gesturing with one arm for the Onyx to walk with him, Raoul made his way to the exit of the stasis chambers. “You will, naturally, be the first to be notified, of course.”
The Onyx remained looking at his pet for a moment longer. He was to be quite beautiful indeed, and already his skin was gaining colour, as was his hair, bleeding in from a bleached white there was scarlet, and his skin was flushing a wonderful tone that most pets seemed to have. Lightly muscled but not overly so. Oh, he would have a wicked mind, yes. His genetics would be sure of it.
The Onyx Karasu ran his hand through feather thin sable hair and smiled, then turned to his fellow Elite and let himself be guided from the lab, a small, disturbing smile appearing on his lips. “I would expect no less from you, Sir Raoul.”
sekahyyh 's fault. Blame her. *points.* It's...going to be quite long, by the looks of it. I don't know how much I will write before I start splitting it into chapters. We'll see.
Okay, okay, time to get back to stuff....