Jun 19, 2007 14:18
My greatest weakness when it comes to Scrabble is impatience. If I can't find a high-scoring word within a few minutes, I inevitably become impatient with myself and then I end up using whatever small easy word I can figure out quickly. This is what I have learned by playing against Cindy and Rollie, who both beat me on separate occasions. I told them both they need to play against each other now to determine the ultimate winner since I am clearly not on their level. I think it could be quite a Scrabble battle. A Scrattle!
Not much else to tell. I've been socializing here and there. Went to Mandi and Eric's house where we learned to play Mah Jong and where I learned that Eric has met John Zorn and is part of a gamelan* orchestra that provides the soundtrack for a DVD that Zorn put out on his Tzadik label. The DVD is amusing. It's a bunch of paintings that were digitally animated, portraying a man going through several levels of hell, and then fighting his way back out of hell. It's strangely repetitive and hypnotic.
This weekend I am going to be antisocial, stay home, and get some work done on various projects.
*Main Entry: gam·elan
Pronunciation: 'ga-m&-"lan, -"län
Function: noun
Etymology: Javanese
: an Indonesian orchestra made up especially of percussion instruments (as gongs, xylophones, and drums)