Dec 03, 2009 20:47

it seems this electronic journaling device has finallly restored itself...

with the winter solstice approaching, one would think the climate would have gotten colder... yet it remains strangely warm. it is... somewhat uncomfortable.

- रजनी

[she is avoiding mention of the Friday the 13th incident because she is a terrible liar and would give herself away if she said anything about it.]


((OOC: So there's been a little discussion of the event -- to make a long story short, Cresselia was able to dispel the nightmares, and she and Goose are the only ones who know it was her.

And as for why everything's been so quiet since then, some elements of the nightmare city affected parts of the physical world, including taking down the journal network for awhile, but it's now back up, as you can see. This way, nobody has to backdate like crazy.

OK, that is all. I'll punch AOB into actually moving the thread along once he stops having a life.))

ooc note, a public entry? from janie? unpossible!, winter

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