Yupdate-- mental postpourri

Jun 06, 2008 04:12

Gah, I haven't updated this thing in forever!

I still read my friends' page sporadically though, I've a lot of catching up to do.

Here's the lowdown on what's been going on, though, since last I posted. Not a lot of new-news, but bits and pieces:

The big things:

The Most Important Thing (MIT? I wonder if there's a correlation... Many Important Thinkers go to MIT? But I digress... ) is that I released Kix from the bounds of Celeb School after becoming entirely fed up with the ordeal that was the System. She became a free range chicken the day before Valentine's day and has been thriving in that environment, home with me, growing educationally and learning and less tense and stressed by far. I'm so glad we made the switch; one of her best friends will be doing the same next year and we'll be doing many projects together.

The Other MIT is that, much like my dear literary counterpoint Alice, I fell into a looking glass of sorts... That is, if the aforementioned modern-aged looking glass were actually a computer screen. Due to a combination of curiosity and a desire to take a more active role in supervising her ever-increasing internet activity, I spent Thanksgiving week (aka the week of much sickly doom) getting into a Hogwarts role-playing game online. My first RPG, and folks-- you know who you are -- I apologize wholeheartedly for my 'meh' level of appreciation for such things. I get it now. In fact, I entered this parallel universe and it has sucked me in, taking up probably an unhealthy amount of time and energy... Because, you see, it's allowed me to stretch my creative writing muscles in a way I'd not in a long while, as well as causing me to have a reason to really jump back into Photoshop on a regular basis... and most of all because I met a few people who I really, truly adore, new friends (one in particular) who really enrich my life. I feel so blessed to have met them and to have this new creative outlet... and mostly to know them.

Other than that, it's been a lot of the same ol' thang... Working, taking care of mah kid, schooling her, trying to make ends meet, putting up with gas prices for my SUV, paying attention to politics and news, trying to re-develop my portfolio, seeing friends, spending a lot of time at Typhoon Lagoon (yay, annual passes) and indulging in culture, pop culture and the arts:

A few of note:

Indy 4 - Meh, not awful, but no Last Crusade either. I hear it is better on second viewing, but have yet to do so.
Wicked- Saw it again, loved it just as I had before.
Assassins- It's in town all month at Mad Cow-- GO SEE IT. It's so worth it and on 6/9 tickets are cheap ($10 each).

I also got to see my beloved Joshua Bell, 4th row center, at the Orlando Symphonic (Philharmonic?)... It was AMAZING. Such artistry! I am so glad we got the chance to attend... The symphony is a grand event anyway, but oh! It made my soul weep and fly and sing. And it got Kix interested in playing violin, so she is currently studying that and I'm refocusing on it as well (which reminds me... gotta pick up my violin from the shop!).

I saw KJ and her brood the other day and that was fabulous-- little Kyle is sooooo smart and so grown up! That was really nice, catching up with them.

Anyway-- that's the really high-level summary of 'how I spent my winter-spring 2008.' There's so much more, but the hour is late. I miss you all like mad (even those I've seen in RL or corresponded with) and I've been reading my friends' page, celebrating your victories (Marianne, way to go on the book deal!) and praying for you through your crises (Josh, your mom is in my thoughts and prayers DAILY.)

More later... It's a start, anyway.
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