Title: Mirror, Mirror
Series: Fight Club, Supernatural
Rating: R
Genre: Crossover, WTFery
Notes: ....I just started typing and it got away from me. I was rereading the book and then HBO Zone put the film on and I remembered Marla's last name was Singer. And then it just...ran away from me. The LJ cut text is an actual Marla Quote.
Bobby hasn't
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you've redeemed it for me! awesome. really. definnitly reminiscient of Palahniuk. ::rushes off to go re-read fight club::
The fandom SUCKS. UGH!
Oh, you know about Myrkur? I'm putting all serialkiller!Dean there now.
Ohmygod. Chai, ya gotta read this. It's Wincest, only with plot and schmoop before the big sex. It's so well done. And so, so worth it.
god, i love serial!killer dean.
::squee:: i clicked on it but I haven't actually gotten a chance to read it yet...what I read so far looks awesome...
::rushes over to finish::
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