Title: «violently happy»
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Warnings: Descriptions of graphic violence.
Summary: violently happy / 'cause i love you / but you're not here / violently happy / come calm me down / before i get into trouble
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title from Björk's Violently Happy
Notes: Second in a series of one-shots.
«violently happy»
Sammy says that he's leaving for a little while. He says that I'll come back for you Dean, I promise.
You smile, because he's Sammy and you've finally seen him after all these years.
You don't even care that his eyes are greengold.
You grin at the girl on the bed. Her eyes are sparking with lust, what she thinks is love.
You lean down, kiss her neck.
She jerks upwards.
You laugh and twist the knife, turn the covers into a sea of red.
"Don't forget you have to get rid of them,"
"I won't," You smile as Sammy licks the blood away from your cheeks.
Poor Little Lenore.
When Sammy goes away, you kill more and more.
It's hard when John is breathing down your neck. You love him, but you need this, need to hear them beg and writhe and bleed.
So, even though you feel ill sometimes, you go out and buy him beer, put it innocently in refrigerator.
And when he's in a stupor, you sneak out, find some lonely girl or boy who won't be missed and make them into something Sammy would like.
Sometimes you cry that he can't see it.
Other times, you kill two a night, three once or twice, just to get everything right.
He doesn't like it when the organs aren't fresh.
The demon glares at you and you just grin back.
"He was in hell, for a little while," she hisses, "Oh, I remember him, the little Boy King, should've―"
You level the knife at her throat.
"I don't care about her," the knife makes a bright red line, "so you'd better be careful, or I might just slip."
She says her name used to be Meg.
After she tells you all you need to know, you make that bright red line into a maze.
Sammy's sucking her blood from your fingers, like that colt in that horse book drank camel's milk.
You let him, letting your eyes slip close, satisfied with his answer.
Every time you see him, he gets more and more solid, and his eyes get brighter and brighter.
He says that one day, you can have your family back.
You looked at John's corpse.
You couldn't cry.
You wanted to, could feel the despair, self-loathing, loss tight in your neck, but you couldn't cry.
Sammy's touch made you drop the Colt to the ground.
And when he came back to you, after eating John's heart, he kissed your forehead and it burned and only then could you cry.
You broke the metal off from your cot, even when your palms bled.
You sang the lullaby he loved as you carved the symbols.
Hush little baby don't say a word
Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring
You sang it until you heard Preacher's footsteps and then you went quiet, but still carved.
(it was Sammy's song, not his)
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