Mar 30, 2006 09:33
Yesterday was a pretty decent day if I do say so myself haha. I woke up uberly early and went to my Gramma's house. We talked for like ever; I really enjoyed it. We got to talking about my Grandpa and we were both close to tears. I really miss him. dfjalfda then later I went to church with Wade. Wow oh wow, was that interesting. It was majorly awkward for some time because of reasons, but it was alright I guess. We had to write a letter to our parents. I wrote mine to my mom. Writing the letter made me think about how blessed I truely am. Ever since 7th grade (and pretty much before then too), I have told my mom about 99% of what goes on in my life, and felt completely comfortable with it. She was/is the one I always run to when I'm in a fight with my friends, she's the one I go to first when I'm upset, she's the one that's getting me through life, she's the one that whenever I get good news I have to call and tell before anyone else, she's the one I ran to and told first when I got my first kiss, she's the one that's always been there for me, and she IS a close-to-perfect mother. She's not a perfect person, and of course she makes mistakes, but I wouldn't have my mom any other way. She has taught me so many things, and I honestly do not know what I would do without her. She's more than a mother, she's a friend, and I know that she will always be there for me, whatever happens.
Anywho, after church, Wade drove me home. We talked about a lot of things. It was probably one of the best talks that I personally have ever had. We got a lot of things out in the open, and it was really nice to do that. All in all, I had a pretty good day yesterday.
On another note, I've been thinking about soemthing. Everywhere you turn, whether it be in "real life" or on myspace or whatever, people are complaining about how ugly they are, or how "depressed" they are. The ugly thing is kind of/really, extremely annoying because most of the time it's the pretty girls that are doing it. Being ugly is a state of mind. YOU decide what YOU are, and you should'nt care what other people think. People are always saying "well, it's not that easy", and the thing is, it IS that easy. The more you think YOU'RE pretty (as long as it's not in a snobby, arrogant way), the more other people'll think you're pretty. It's about self-confidence. And, about the "depressed" thing. True, some people are literally depressed, and they're actually not making it a bigger deal that it is, but with others, they are not depressed. Happiness is a CHOICE. Count your blessings, it's much easier to be happy when you realize how blessed you really are. Most everyone has friends and a family that loves them. Own it. Take advantage of it. Don't dwell in all your sorrows, it's annoying. We all have them days when we dont feel happy, so what, big deal, it'll pass. When stuff happens thats really "damaging" (a family member dies or you're having a really tough time at home or wtih friends), yeah you're going to be sad. And it's not annoying in that circumstance. But in other cases, being sad is a choice. Why wouldn't you CHOOSE to be happy. I could bet on it that some people think I am a huge hypocrite, because I used to be one of the people that "dwelled in my sorrows", and part of it WAS because I was having a hard time, and part of it was just the fact that i didn't want to be happy bad enough. Everyone can be happy. It's a personal decision. So why not make the personal decision to just put a smile on your face and realize your blessings. Some day, it may be too late.