Meet the OC: Merry Cherry Pierce

Jul 30, 2011 20:48

Merry Cherry Noodles Patricia Pierce
Age:1Gender:FemaleBreed:Pure-bred PekingeseHeight:8"Nicknames:Mongrel (Santana)Relationship Status:SingleSexual Orientation:NonexistentRelationships:Brittany S. Pierce (mother)
Joanna Pierce (aunt)
Margo Pierce (grandmother)
Santana Lopez (evil step-mother)
L. Quinn Fabray (former owner)Friends:Lord Tubbington
Charity K. PierceHobbies:Growling at Santana
Barking at the TV
Biography: The then-unnamed Merry Cherry was the accessory of Quinn Fabray until she decided her pet was too much hassle, so gave it away to the first person in glee who would want it. Of course, Brittany jumped at the chance. Due to some mock legal maneuvering by Sam Evans, Santana Lopez is also the dog's (reluctant) legal guardian. However, Merry Cherry lives at the Pierce household where she’s loved by Brittany, and properly cared for by Joanna and Margo, Brittany’s sister and mother. While assumed to be female, Brittany has politely respected her dog’s right to privacy and has not checked. Had the decision been made that Merry Cherry was a boy, “his” name would be “Hairy Cherry”. Merry Cherry enjoys sleeping on Brittany’s bed when she gets the chance, which is not when Santana the Sleep-Kicker stays over.

Thoughts from the Author: Merry Cherry was added to Glee canon in the Glee Original Novel Cliques. 

type: meet the oc

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