Jul 01, 2005 12:52
I fucking love movies. This should be assumed by everyone who has even met me, but I know you guys love movies too. Almost as much as you love livejournal polls. So I wrote one for us to share movies. Maybe it'll inspire you to rent some movies your friends like. Maybe it'll give you something to do during the work day. Who knows? Do my poll!
What is your favorite movie (you can only choose one): Currently, Park Chanwook's brilliant Oldboy. Each time I see it, I get a better understand of how it's the best thing I've ever seen.
What's the scariest scene you've ever seen in a movie: There's a sequence in A Tale of Two Sisters when a girl is in bed and the Standard Asian Ghost (SAG, you know the girl with long hair over her face) starts crawling by the foot of the bed in these weird jerky Exorcist extended cut movements. Girl freaks out and covers her face and the ghost KEEPS FUCKING COMING. I swear to god, this sequence freaked the fuck out of me. Brilliant film. The other scariest scene is room 237 in The Shining. If you've seen it you know exactly what I'm talking about.
What's the sexiest movie you've ever seen: I think Steven Shainburg's Secretary is so sexy. And I'm not even into S&M.
What movie does everyone love that you hate:
What movie does everyone hate that you love: Eli Roth's Cabin Fever. What I see as a hilarious and well-made homage to the gritty low budget indie horror of the 1970s, most people see as a crappy Ryder Strong movie. It's a masterpiece, trust me. Quentin Tarantino loves it at least.
Subtitles or Dubbing: Subtitles. I won't watch a dub. .
Funniest scene you've ever seen: I've always been partial to the gentrification in Star Wars monologue in Chasing Amy.
Godfather I, II or III: Part II, all the way. The De Niro backstory is incredible and the scene where Diane Keaton talks about her abortion is one of the great holy shit movements in movies. Oh fuck a spoiler warning, it's nearly 30 years old, if you haven't seen it already you're a waste of flesh. Jess.
What scene made you cry (or cry the hardest)?: I always tear up when Fredo dies in The Godfather Part II (I fucking love that movie).
Most badass moment in a movie: Aliens. The doors open and Ripley comes out in the powerloader to face the Alien queen. My sister actually cheered in our living room the first time she saw it. "Get away from her, you BITCH!".
Shitty movie that you love: Starship Troopers. Yes, it may be a nazi parody piece and a film about social satire. But it's also about an hour too long, has characters who strive to achieve one dimension and relies entirely on its special effects.
First R-rated movie: Speed.
Your favorite movie as a kid: Ghostbusters. I didn't know it was a comedy until 8th grade.
First movie star crush: Sandra Bullock. Don't laugh, seriously. We used to have this drive in movie theater nearby and my family would go sometimes for a double feature. There were two screens and each would show two seperate movies. So I saw While You Were Sleeping with my family, but spent half the movie looking out the back window at the soundless version of Species playing. The erotic horror mixed with the Sandra Bullock and I had a total crush on her.
Favorite Hitchcock movie: North by Northwest. It may be the most entertaining movie ever made.
Favorite line of dialogue: "It doesn't do anything, that's the beauty of it." (sorry)
Favorite remake: Tie. Cronenberg's The Fly and Carpenters The Thing. Both are masterpieces and I can't choose.
Which movie title best describes your sex life: Gone in 60 Seconds.
Meh, that's all I've got for now do it yourself and lets all learn which movies we all like. That's a fun way to spend a Friday afternoon, eh?