People were so quick to label her as crazy and out of control without really considering who she was and what was going on internally. Being so incredibly misunderstood only fueled her addictions, and no one around her was there to help her and give her the guidance she needed. Everyone just kind of sat back and made judgements.
I, like so many other people, was endlessly fascinated with Anna Nicole. Her unusual life path made her the interesting and tragic person that she turned out to be. I know how close she was to her son and how his own sudden death was absolutely devastating to her. Nothing in this world is worse than losing a child. There's so much professional help available to them that it's frustraiting that both deaths could have been avoided.
One day, I hope this article is relavent to me:;_ylc=X3oDMTJlNTQ5bzNzBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDOTU4MTIwNTAEc2VjA2ZwX3RvZGF5BHNsawNkYXRpbmctYWR2aWNlX3R3by12YWxlbnRpbmVzLWJlbGllZm5ldA--