"God Must Be Busy"

Jan 07, 2008 10:43

G Well I am here and wanted to share what been on my heart for awhile.  It weighs more on my heart at this time of year than any other time. This time is usually my after the  holidays blue period which I do alot of searching within my self and to get out the feelings that bottle up inside of me the rest of the year.  No with not feeling good physically my emotional side is enlarged and shows more.  The other day I heard a song on the radio, it was a country song, not sure who sings it even. but the song hit me like a tone of bricks.  He sang about bad things and the title and a line he kept repeating was  "God Must Be Busy".  This hit really hard with me as I have done and do go through still the same feelings he was trying to convey in teh song..I feel it goes with the saying..."Why do bad things happen to good people". I almost hate to watch any news or pick up a newspaper only to just read about all the death and distruction, crying and sadness in the world,  Is God too busy?  What about the  lonely people, the ones which people seem to forget about, the ones thier own family forgets hey exist. dont thay too deserve a shot at being happy?, God must be still too busy. What about the hunger and cruelness and hatred that stems from just being different, why can't that be stopped, Is God too busy?  My heart is just torn apart and I sit and cry because I want to fix all the world and its problems. but I know this is a impossibility, and cannot do it alone. No one can do it alone. Nothing makes me more happy than to see someone smile or say a "Thank You" to me for something I did for them.  That is worth more to me than all the riches in the world. You can't buy human love and concern.  Money only can make some problems go away and it should be only used as a tool. The love in someone's eyes alone makes me cry with joy.  Maybe together we can make a difference. Maybe God is "Too" Busy" to do it all.  I imagine his/her desk and inbox is piled so high, even the Arch Angel Michael needs  a express elevator to just get over top of the heap.  I like the song and believe in the lyrics to the Rankin-Bass Christmas cartoon "The Night Before Christmas" titled "Even a Miracle Needs a Hand" 
Even A Miracle Needs a Hand

Miracles happen most every day
to people like you and me
but don't expect a miracle
unless you help make it to be

You hope while I hurry
You pray while I plan
We'll do what's necessary cause
Even a miracle needs a hand

You love and I'll labor
You sit while I stand
Get help from a next door neighbor cause
Even a miracle needs a hand

We'll help our maker
to make our dreams come true
but I can't do it alone
So here's what we're gonna do

You hope while I hurry
You pray while I plan
We'll do what's necessary cause
Even a miracle needs a hand

We'll help our maker
to make our dreams come true
but we can't do it alone
So what are we're gonna do

You wish while I whittle
You drip while I dry
Lets all try to help a little cause
Even a miracle needs a hand

Maybe we can lend God a hand and help each other out for once.  I really believe in those lyrics and adore the song and tune.  Maybe you can sing it and live by the simple message it relates. you don't have to be rich or famous to make a difference in someone's eyes. You just need to be sincere and care.  I know I get lonely and would love somone to just come and tell me they care and are here for me.  That alone just makes me feel that I have not been forgotten even though the world can forget about us all at times.Good people do live in this world still, and thank God they do live. for what would we have to look forward to when the world tries to consume us in its evil and suffering. I just want a happy world where we can get along and really enjoy life, we all deserve this.   "Even a Miracle Needs a Hand" I know maybe, just maybe  its a idea thats time has come for 2008 and beyond.   I hope so, I am tired of crying.

sadness and pain, world hope, god

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