Well its a Showcase Friday and I wanted to bring you something haunted. So this weeks entry I am highlighting my paranormal group S.I.G.H.T. I am Chairman of this group which is fairly new. We only have been around since November 2007. But the 5 founding member which included myself have around 15 years combined experience together. We have around 59 members and reside in northeast Ohio. We investigate this area but am willing to travel to other states eventually. We used to belong to a paranormal group RIP Ohio which is no more. We broke away due to lack of leadership and we had a difference on what vision we had. Our group combines the spiritual Psychic Evidence with the Technical Evidence side. I wanted to take time to Highlight my Ghost Hunting Team. I wanted to report I am back posting to my blog here and hope you enjoy reading. I wanted to start off my first entry in along time with a promotion of my paranormal group. Please read up on our group at
www.sightofohio.com Spiritual Insight Ghost Hunting Team A leading paranormal investigative team operating out of the Northeast Ohio area and beyond when deemed appropriate. We are recognized for equipped excellence and our commitment to servicing the community, understanding, investigating and studying the realm of the paranormal and the spiritual; only accomplished by its dedication, diversity, skills and knowledge of its members. S.I.G.H.T. will do a thorough paranormal investigation by a variety of means. Our Technical Staff uses several forms of equipment from multiple cameras to EMF Meters, Temperature Gauges, Voice Recorders, etc. In addition to capturing concrete evidence of a haunting, we also look for Spiritual Insight from our Team Psychics and Sensitive Investigators. We feel that using a combination of Scientific and Spiritual means of discovery during an investigation is equally as important in helping each client. We are a volunteer group and we do not charge for investigations or cleansings.
As Always......Happy Haunting!!