A S.I.G.H.T. Party, Lots of Fun!

Jan 23, 2008 15:17


Monday night my Ghost Hunting group S.I.G.H.T had a social party that was alot of fun. We had snacks, soday and beer and Margaritas.  I cannot drink the booze because of my sugar medication but had all the diet soda I could handle  lol We played a game called "Werewolf".  It was a fun game where you had to guess and accuse and lie yourself out from being eliminated.  We was supposed to take a night  hike at teh Mass Grave and Potters Field but we ended up watching Paranormal State that Kevin, our Tech Director taped on the DVR. About 7 of us ended the evening with doing a cleansing on Laura's house (the one who hosted the party). She is our Lead Psychic Investigator and has had some bad things in her house. That a few of us which included myself was seeing small black orbs around her house and hearing noises. We may have go some EVPs which we are checking out. All in all it was a fun evening with doing a cleansing and a spirit circle of light at the end as well as gettting to know some of the new members.  My boyfriend Bill
liam021471did not make it because by the time he would drive down from Cleveland and go clear out and try to go back home, the poor guy would never get any sleep as it was a work night.  But it was a fun evening nonetheless.

sight, friends, ghost hunting

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