Uh, yeah. I spent a large chunk of the past month distracted by both
the side thing and (rather more so) life things, sooo work on this installment ended up rather slow-going. :D; I made a point of finishing it up while abroad last week, though, just so I could be sure to get it posted while it was still July once I got home, ahaha.
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked #6: Poop Hawk Season by
credoimprobus In this part: the annual seagull invasion (aka hurricane season) begins! I deal with the last of the most pressing seasonal necessities, and also take a day out to harrass some innocent bees.
Apropos The Side Thing and the in-linked-post cited massive longwindedness: I also finished up the grunt work on that one last week (\o/! just the subtitle prettification and the conversion left, now, and I can upload it as well!), and the final commentary wordcount? 3700. XD;;;
Crossposted at