Memery: icon meme

Feb 07, 2014 15:38

(Procrastinating heroically on getting back to writing Scary Stuff: always as accidentally productive. XD)

Sooo a couple of weeks (*cough*) back I had
nenya_kanadka tag me in the good ol' icon meme, because this was my first opportunity to get in on it since I moved over to DW and actually had enough icons to take part in it. \o/ (All the times this meme went by on my lj fpage over the years, I'd gaze mournfully at my six-item icon set and siigh. No more! :D)

And in case anyone else would like to play:

1. Reply to this post with "not today," and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Under the cut:
nenya_kanadka's five picks and my (fairly incoherent XD;) rambling about them.

Fun fact: I have never, in my almost-13 years of journalling, had an icon in use that I didn't make myself. It became something of a principle thing, at a point. (Which is obviously the long way of saying that all the below are by me. :D)

(Keywords: fannish/geeky, yay!)

Confession: I've meant/wanted to replace this one for a good two-three years, ahaha. (I'd like a gleeful!Kenzi icon that's more quintessentially Kenzi, you know?) As yet it remains, though, because extensive screencapping is a bitch of a chore, and I am lazy. LAZY.

This one gets pulled out anytime I want to project glee/squee/geeky enthusiasm, because I mean. LOOK AT THAT FAAACE.

(Keywords: statsnerd, wordcount)

This one mostly gets used (and was created) for my wordcount roundup posts, but it's also there to represent my massive, nerdy love for statistic-collecting and pretty graphs generally. (My Thing for spreadsheets: ~a well-documented problem.~)

(Keywords: dance!, musakz)


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<3333333333333 Seriously, though, see that moment there at 1:41 when the relevant bear strikes that pose? MY HEART PRETTY MUCH GREW THREE SIZES (from squee) the first time I saw that, and so: icon. :D (The whole affair is immortalized in this GIP, for the record.)

Doubles as my music icon and my "I'M DOING A HAPPY DANCE" icon.

(Keywords: <3, all of 6 y.o.)

Possibly I'm the only one that feels Humphrey Bogart holding a balloon is THE DEFINITIVE REPRESENTATION OF "<3", but, er well, yeeeees. Possibly this is the case because that picture makes ME go <333333333333 for approximate centuries. :D

Technically it is also my "totally an adult, no really, ignore the glaring evidence to the contrary" icon, but I think I've actually used it in that capacity... maybe once, haha.

(Keywords: cooking nerd, foodie)


image Click to view

Aka ONE OF THE GREATEST MUSIC VIDEOS IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC VIDEOS. *ahem* PIE! Long story short, when I had cause to make a food/cooking icon, my choice of image source was clear. :D


Some random unrelated points, because I'm posting enough as is the last days:

-It's always as funny to me how much my posting frequency increases when I'm mid-writing binge, even when I'm not posting about the writing. Suddenly, the energy to actually put random thoughts into words! XD

-Apropos that Scary Stuff: seeeeeriously. MY POOR, POOR BRANE. It has not been a happy camper the last couple of days. XD; (Just to illustrate: I woke up yesterday with the words to start the next section forming in my head, and yet it took me twelve hours to get my shit together and tackle it. *failing at life* BUT AT LEAST GETTING THAT ONE DEALT WITH means I am now (YAY!! *relieeef!*) past the Really Scary Stuff, so it should be rather smoother sailing from here on. \o/

I am having so much flaily glee over how strongly the Ash-to-be has unexpectedly been coming through already in BB!Ash, though -- specifically as soon as he found reason to want something. Oh, Ash, you little creeper. <3

-You guuuuuuuys. Should I aim to sign up for rarewomen or not? I've been vacillating ridiculously (I've been feeling pretty burnt out on fanfic, but at the rate I'm currently going I might well be refreshed enough for another quick fling by assignments going out), and I need to decide pretty much TODAY whether I'm likely to, since I'm not bothering to nom the tinyfandoms only I care about if I'm not participating. *tears at hair, just a tiny bit*

Crossposted at

videos, fandorkia, my one true fandom, writy stuff, journalwank, oh god what is my life, memes

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