5.11: 262
6.11: 39
7.11: 215
8.11: 324
9.11: 121
10.11: 36
13.11: 370
15.11: 215
17.11: 110
19.11: 298
20.11: 204
22.11: 224
24.11: 212
26.11: 185
30.11: 40
Total: 2855
Bummed that my first kinda rubbish (and my least interactive) WriSoMiFu turned out to be the very last one, but, well, the health crap I've been fighting with this autumn spiked mid-month, and took with it what remained of inspiration, motivation, and stamina, so I probably wouldn't have been able to do better even if I'd known in advance it was the Last One Ever. *helpless shrug* It is what it is.
At least it was a decent-in-general writing month, even if it was a crap WriSo -- although admittedly, I feel as if I accomplished very little with those 3K words. Blame the fact that I had to scrap the first version of my Yuletide fic (where most of that wordcount came from) and start over, I guess. XD;
Crossposted at