YES, I'm finally done with the draft backup over at
mythopoeia! \o/ Dear god how did it take me two weeks to get it finished up. (It's been, what, three or four separate posting sessions? That shit's been a CHORE, goddamn.)
And apropos having spent my time in between the posting bookmarking stockings of ~potential interest~ over at
fandom_stocking: mine's up!
It is ovur here, for interested parties. (I pretty much requested ALL THE FEMSLASH EVER, because it's that kind of year. XD)
Those points overwith, have some random bulletpoints:
-One thing about all that draft backup: inevitable skims sure reminded me that as much as characterisation is on the whole one of my big strengths, I am absolute shit at minor characters/bit parts. XD;; Rarely do you see so much clunkiness and inanity in one place! /o\
-And on the topic of things I suck at writing-wise, and also the topic of scribbling up a first half the other night morning for that Who drawerfic I spewed up early during WriSo: I really, really can't write the Ponds at all. WORST CHARACTERISATION/CHARACTER VOICES IN FANFIC EVER, lolololol.
(Aka And This Is Why I Only Write The One Fandom (And Limited Characters Even Within That Fandom), hahaha. Have I mentioned that whole FANFIC = FUCKING HARD bit? Heh.)
-Completely changing the topic, having OMG TOTALLY FAILED at my attempts to get to sleep earlier now WriSo is over (really: for how my settling into bed by 4am yesterday panned out, pls see above bulletpoint *lolsob*), I figure the smarter tactic is to just skip sleeping altogether for a day. At least then I should be tired enough by not-too-much-past-midnight to be able to fucking fall asleep, rite?
Caveat: I may still be feeling encouragingly bushy-tailed at present, but I wouldn't count on my determination being as firm by 10 am. XD;;
Crossposted at