Wordcount roundup + writing goals check-in for November

Dec 02, 2012 02:12


2.11: 240
3.11: 360
4.11: 510
6.11: 215
7.11: 320
8.11: 790
9.11: 110
12.11: 70
15.11: 405
16.11: 430
17.11: 210
18.11: 60
19.11: 340
20.11: 135
23.11: 160
24.11: 660
25.11: 270
26.11: 835
27.11: 635
28.11: 430
29.11: 645
30.11: 585

Total: ~8420

Supplemental notedump total: 1370


Stated writing goals for November, results:

-WIN AT WRISOMIFU, with secondary goal of beating last year's WriSo total
YASS and also YASS! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ I stretched the parameters of Words That Count pretty far a few days (most notably That One Day last week when I counted the 18-point tag architecture expansion I did for /mytho* XD;;), but I legit had zero days in which I didn't produce words of some kind, and a whopping 24 in which Officially Countable Words happened.

Also, in case anyone was wondering: 8900 words total of daily check-ins, AWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHH.

*) what, I was ~*CONSUMED*~ with the need to get on backing up my drafts in there, the hell was I gonna do, RESIST? XD Just saying, not like I could've focused on writing with that nagging at my brain like a caught fish hook anyway, ahaha.

Goals for December:

These will totally, totally not happen, because FICKLE-ASS WRITINGBRAIN, YOU BASTARD *fistshake!*, but:

-Get some solid work in on MIRACULOUSLY RESURRECTED fetchquest B/K WIP, because it'd be nice not to still be writing for it by next WriSo. La! (Note: WIP in question was born round the end of last year's WriSo. XD;)
-See about finishing up those two 5 Timesy backstory ficlets I've been writing for !New Thing the past week -- at least to the point where I can maybe-maybe get them fact-checked and Britpicked. (Alternate goal: at LEAST finish up the Adelle one, since that one's one section & change from done already.)
-Also. ALSO. WRITE SOME DAMN PORN, ANY PORN, I DON'T EVEN CARE. (Because it suddenly struck me mid-November that I haven't since Porn Battle in February, adljblfsbalfjlhkad.)

And as an additional, not making this a goal because THAT WAY LIES ONLY TEARS AND FAILURE (no really, I've tried XD): I'd really wanna get back to my boyyyyyyyys omg. I actually did a massive REREAD ALL THE THINGS wallow for Dis mid-month, but the daily need for easy words kind of left the effort to get my head all the way back in there hanging. BUT NOW!!!!!! I've actually got the time and freedom to spend daaays just wallowing in that stuff till I'm in a words-be-comin' place for it again. :D!

Crossposted at http://credoimprobus.dreamwidth.org/664038.html

big plans r us, my one true fandom, wordcount 2012, writy stuff, wrisomifu, condo in the gutter

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