Wordcount roundup/writing summary for October

Nov 04, 2012 13:10

Hey, look, I only kept forgetting to post this for three days this time! IMPROVEMENT, amirite? (...XD;)

4.10: 565
7.10: 385
13.10: 245 (edits)
15.10: 290
19.10: 170

Total: 1665

Supplemental notedump total: 1140


Notes'n'stuff (since I had no official goals which to report on):
October was actually kind of great! Well, for the first three weeks, anyway. XD; (I've pretty much decided to rack the last week-anna-half of CRUSHING SLACK up to my subconscious -- sensibly! -- telling me to get a rest-up before wrisomifu. That subconscious! So nice, always looking out for me. *...cough*) But, YEAH! I was finally, FINALLY proper broken out of the summer pits! Enthusiasm and inspiration and something resembling genuine productivity made a roaring comeback! FUCKING MAGIC. :,D

Goals for November:
-WIN AT WRISOMIFU. Well, to the extent that you can, anyway. :D (I haven't missed my ten minutes yet, in a WHOLE THREE DAYS shock shock amazement, so I'm off to a good start. XD) As a more specific goal, I'm also gunning for beating last year's WriSo total (6955 words!) -- I mean, I've already got my writing engines revving ahead of time, very, very much unlike last year when I hadn't written for 4-5 months at the start of November, ahahahaha, so that's GOTTA be totally doable, right? (Right? :D;?)

Crossposted at http://credoimprobus.dreamwidth.org/662109.html

big plans r us, wordcount 2012, writy stuff, wrisomifu

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