February/March slots

Feb 25, 2012 14:49

I've been pretty dead here on Credits the last few months player-wise, and I want to try getting back into things. So I'm here to offer slots. I'll probably be donating some decks later on, but they're nothing I want to collect right away, so all of my slots for the two months are free for anything in my current and future deck section~

Stuff I'm missing from my current/high priority decks:
hatenakimichi - 01/[05]/07/15
perfectarea - 02/10/14/15/18/19
monogatari - 08/11
iruyo - [12]
yakusoku - 03/[04]/05/07/08/14/18/20
chiisanamahou - 02/04/05/08/12/14/15/16/20
loveletter - 02/03/04/05/[06]/07/08/10/12/13/15/16

And there's more stuff in my futures section, so go ahead and offer away. Regular trades are more than welcome for anything I'm missing as well!

February Slots
01) dearmykeysx - patissiere10 (mytomorrow18)
02) nyxnoxbox - inanna12 (innocent16)
03) goingmysoul10
04) hikarie03
05) kokoronochizu04
06) anohinogogo20
07) warriors11
08) boysandgirls19
Special) ishidaakira14
Puzzle) katou - liberame12 (loveletter01)

March Slots
01) katou - howtogo07 (loveletter06)
02) polisemia - olddays18 (jap08)
03) noboynocry03
04) omokage16
05) kotodama09
06) kizuna04
07) mukoue06
08) alchemy03
Special) wolfie - kemonomimi14 (hirari07)
Puzzle) romanticasound06

Thank you o/

player: aletha, slots

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