Here is where you can donate graphics for everyone to use! Please note that there're a number of important guidelines to follow when making and donating your graphics - read on to find out what they are.
✘ Please use official art only. No fanworks unless they belong to you.
✘ All graphics must be saved in .png format.
✘ Link buttons and Level Banners must have borders.
✘ Link buttons are to be donated in sets of 4 each time. Don't donate 5 buttons today and 3 buttons next week!
✘ The buttons must be either 88x31 pixels or 100x35 pixels
✘ They must have the TCG's name on it [Credits TCG].
✘ They must have borders.
✘ Please save each button as "link_yourname##", your name being the name you signed up with [NO LJ USERNAMES], and ## being the number of the button. So if Tari made and donated her 10th link button, the filename should read "link_tari10". Filenames should be lowercase, no caps.
✘ Level banners must be donated as a full set. Don't donate 5 banners today and 5 banners next week!
✘ They must be either 100x75 pixels or 150x75 pixels.
✘ They must have borders.
✘ Please name your files as "level_yourname00_##", your name being the name you signed up with [NO LJ USERNAMES], 00 being the set number of the banners and ## being the level number [01~10].
So, for Tari's 2nd level banner set, the filenames will be "level_tari02_01", "level_tari02_02", "level_tari02_03" and so on until "level_tari02_10".
✘ Level banners must be donated as a full set. Don't donate 5 banners today and 5 banners next week!
✘ They must be either 100x75 pixels or 150x75 pixels.
✘ They must have borders.
✘ Please name your files as "blevel_yourname00_##", your name being the name you signed up with [NO LJ USERNAMES], 00 being the set number of the banners and ## being the level number [11~20].
So, for Tari's 3rd Bonus Track level banner set, the filenames will be "blevel_tari03_11", "blevel_tari03_12", "blevel_tari03_13" and so on until "blevel_tari03_20".
✘ Gradesheets must be donated in sets of 4 each time. Don't donate 2 gradesheets today and 6 tomorrow!
✘ Gradesheets must have 20 spaces for people to mark off to keep track of trades. The spaces can be arranged in any manner and be in any size, shape, color etc.
✘ They must have the word "gradesheet" on them.
✘ The border has rounded edges, so be sure to use the layer mask on your image or delete the parts protruding from the rounded edges.
✘ They must be made in the following style:
Download the
psd file to get started! There is a layer mask included - hold the Alt key and drag the layer mask over the layer with your image to use it. This way, the parts that are not supposed to be included in the final file will be transparent.
If Alt key + dragging does not work, try: Select All > Click on Layer Mask > Right click layer mask and choose "Subtract Mask from Selection". And then, go back to the picture layer and hit delete.
✘ Please name your files as "gs_yourname##", your name being the name you signed up with [NO LJ USERNAMES], and ## being the number of the gradesheet. So the filename of Tari's 5th gradesheet will read gs_tari05.
[optional] PENDING CARDS
✘ Pending cards are optional and are not included in your graphics donation limit. You don't have to make pending cards in order to max out your donation limit.
✘ Pending cards must be donated in sets of 3. Don't donate 2 cards today and 1 tomorrow!
✘ Pending cards for regular and special decks must be 100x75 pixels.
✘ Pending cards for puzzle decks must be 100x80 pixels.
✘ Pending cards can be any combination of regular, special and/or puzzle; so you can donate all 3 regular pending cards or all 3 puzzle pending cards.
✘ They must have borders and the word "pending" on them.
✘ Please name your files as "regpend_yourname00" [for regular pending cards], "sppend_yourname00" [for special pending cards] or pzpend_yourname00" [for puzzle pending cards]. So the filename of Tari's 3rd special pending card will read sppend_tari03. If you made 1 regular pending card and 2 special pending cards in one set, they will be named regpend_yourname01, sppend_yourname01 and sppend_yourname02.
✘ Level banners must be donated as a full set. Don't donate 5 banners today and 5 banners next week!
✘ They must be either 100x75 pixels or 150x75 pixels.
✘ They must have borders.
✘ Please name your files as "elevel_yourname00_##", your name being the name you signed up with [NO LJ USERNAMES], 00 being the set number of the banners and ## being the level number [21~30].
So, for Tari's 4th level banner set, the filenames will be "elevel_tari04_21", "elevel_tari04_22", "elevel_tari04_23" and so on until "elevel_tari04_30".
Each month, you can donate a maximum of:
✘ 8 Link Buttons
✘ 1 set of 10 Track Level Banners
✘ 1 set of 10 Bonus Track Level Banners
✘ 8 Gradesheets
✘ 3 Pending Cards [optional - you are not required to make pending cards to max out your graphics donation limit]
Monthly limits are reset only after a mod posts a comment saying that donation limits have been reset for the month. Please only donate for the new month after this comment has been posted.
Your donated graphics will be up on the
Level Banners,
Affiliates and Pending Cards pages. You also get the following for donating graphics!
Link Buttons: 1 card per 4 buttons, 2 cards for 8
Track Level Banners: 3 cards for one set
Bonus Track Level Banners: 3 cards for one set
Gradesheets: 1 card per 2 gradesheets, 4 cards for 8
Pending Cards [optional]: 1 card for 3 pending cards
Exclusive Track Level Banners [optional]: 3 cards for one set
Let me know when you max out your donation limit so that I can give you a stamp for all your hard work! Thank you for your graphics donations!
Fill out and comment with the following form to submit your graphics donations:
Type of Donation: [whether they are link buttons/level banners/gradesheets/pending cards, and how many there are]
Series Featured:✘
Link to Donations: [ Staff use:
General RandomizerCurrency ]