Oct 26, 2007 17:53
Well...during the club meeting i heard about that name that fag..i mean flag contest...yeah...and ten i rush in the Library to find out about it 'coz I'm really f**kin' hesistated to join...because I wanna win that award...oh well....THEY SAID IT'S ALREADY DONE AND I CAN'T DO ANY S**t Anymore...'coz they are complete...oh well..They team-up with a personal decision and it's really quite a s*** if i didn't join there 'coz I'M REALLY FOND OF JOINING IN THAT CONTEST...oh it's just countries and there were no Capitals, Currencies and District,State or County Flags...or whatever you call them...well i shouldn't be happy about that s*** because they don't really care about me and they're just Gonna be more jealously
If I WILL join...well...i should get enough with talking about that s*** now...
i'm just really upset because i'm really hoping to join there...but my mistake is we didn't do any duel on whoever will join...well when I was 2nd year the Presi now of the Student body in our school..well he was playing with me about those american presidents, countries, states and such...Well, i still kinda remember that 'coz that's why I WANNA JOIN in that f***ing crap contest....at least they didn't ask who sang the song ****** ** ******* 'coz probably tey won't be able to answer that except for the ones like me who TOTALLY know and like that Legendary song..who cares...ANYWAY...IT'S ALL CRAP.. NOW THEY HELL S*** ABOUT HIM 'COZ HE WIN A **** WHAT A F*G he is...
i just have my Sukedeka DVD and I can't wait to watch it now...
however, i'm still a bit upset...