So there's this international language that some Polish physician created in 1887, called Esperanto, and apparently it's quite popular. How come I've never heard of it? I'm still debating whether or not I like the idea...
Esperanto League of North America Test your language ability
Inteligenta persono lernas la lingvon Esperanto rapide kaj facile. Esperanto estas la moderna, kultura lingvo por la tuta mondo. Simpla, fleksebla, belsona, g`i estas la praktika solvo de la problemo de universala interkompreno. Esperanto meritas vian seriozan konsideron. Lernu la internacian lingvon Esperanto.
Check your translation:
An intelligent person learns the language Esperanto rapidly and easily. Esperanto is the modern, cultural language for the whole world. Simple, flexible, musical, it is the practical solution for the problem of universal mutual understanding. Esperanto deserves your serious consideration. Learn the international language Esperanto.