Jul 07, 2004 03:31
Name = Jennifer
Birthday = August 13, 1983 (countdown to 21!)
Sex = Female
Boy/Girlfriend? = Happily with Paul for over 6 months!
:x: piercings = 3 in each ear
:x: tattoos = I'd consider it
:x: height = 5'4"
:x: weight = Lost about 10 pounds since January...
:x: freckles? = They're showing themselves in the sun
:x: hair color = Medium brown with these reddish natural highlights
:x: siblings = Jessica the Teenage Tyrant, Rocky the JRT who thinks he's human
:x: movie you rented = Le Devorce with Jenny
:x: movie you bought = Hmmmm...When Harry Met Sally so Paul could see it?
:x: song you listened to = We were listening to country at Gators Plus!
:x: song that was stuck in your head = Redneck Woman
:x: cd you bought = Swish bought me the Nickel Creek CD
:x: cd you listened to = Jurassic Park
:x: person you've called = Paul, I woke him up, I'm sure he's thrilled
:x: person that's called you = Swish and Marc, who wanted me to bring home cookies
:x: tv show you watched = The news
:x: person you were thinking of = My sis and Paul
:x: you have a crush on someone = I have a BOYFRIEND, so other than the obligatory celebrity crushes, we're going to say no
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Right now I'm wanting to be settled in Orlando again
:x: you think about suicide = Just a lil...
:x: you believe in online dating = Only if you're in a long-distance relationship and you want to save on phone bills
:x: you want more piercings = No
:x: you like cleaning = SOMETIMES it feels good to organize
:x: you like roller coasters = YUP!
:x: you write in cursive or print = Both
:x: long distance relationships = I'm in one now
:x: using someone = Against, but I'm sure I've done it subconsciously
:x: suicide = Against
:x: killing people = Against
:x: teenage smoking = AGAINST!
:x: driving drunk = TOTALLY AGAINST it's so stupid wake a friend up they'll thank you for it. Heck, wake me up but you might have to call a few times...
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = For if that's your thing
:x: soap operas = eh...
:x: ever cried over a girl= When Lauren died
:x: ever cried over a boy = Must you even ask...I'm a girl...
:x: ever lied to someone = We all do, we just try not to
:x: ever been in a fist fight = With my lil sis
:x: ever been arrested = No
:x: shampoo do you use = Aussie
:x: shoes do you wear = Cheap sandals
:x: are you scared of = Failure and losing those I love
:x: of times I have been in love? = Probably 3. I think I've found my true love now though...
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Once or twice
:x: of hearts I have broken? = I bet there's a few and if you're one of them I'm sorry!
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = I think I have about 6, wow, I'm lucky!
:x: of time you name has appeared in the news paper? = A few
:x: of scars on my body? = Lots
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = I think I have to regret less
:x: pretty = Yes! Positive self-esteem!
:x: funny = On occasion
:x: hot = Only on Tuesdays...
:x: friendly = Friendly but shy too...bad combo sometimes
:x: amusing = Maybe
:x: ugly = Once a month
:x: loveable = Paul?
:x: caring = Yes
:x: sweet = I can be
:x: dorky = Always
Four letter word: love
Actor/actress: hmmmm...John Cusack and Kevin Spacey always give stellar performances...Glen Close and Bette Midler stole the show in Stepford Wives...and Orlando Bloom's just HOT
Candy: Dark chocolate
Cartoon: Do I like cartoons? Lilo and Stitch
Cereal: I have to have a new one each week or I get bored. Current fave is Special K with strawberries and Post Honey Maple Crunch
Chewing gum: I'll pass
Color(s): Purple
Day of week: Saturday. It has so many possibilities. I could be working at Gators Plus, not altogether bad. Or I could be in Orlando.
Least fave day: Monday morning.
Flower: Deep velvety red roses
Jello flavor: Lime
Jewelry: Definitely my grandmother's ring. We share the same birthstone, and she'd showed it to me countless times when I was little and say it would be mine some day. I thought it was lost when they sold the house, but my aunt saved it and presented it to me when we were in NY for grandpa's funeral.
Special skills/talents: I sort of can write a little...
Summer/Winter: I like all the seasons for diff reasons now
Trampolines or swimming pools: Swimming pools, hands down
|| Person who last.. ||
Slept in your bed: Me
Saw you cry: Swish
You went to the movies with: Paul and Mark
Yelled at you: Paul
Sent you an email: Dunno haven't checked today
|| Have you ever.. ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: All the time. And I mean it all the time there are many ways to love
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Sure
Kept a secret from everyone: I'm sure there's been a time
Cried during a movie: Yeah
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: PJ's ::blush::
Been on stage: Oh yeah
Been to New York: Used to live in NY
Been to California: no
Hawaii: no
China: no
Canada: no
Europe: no
Asia: no
South America: no
Australia: no
Wished you were the opposite sex: Once a month
What time is it now?: 3:10 a.m.
Apples or bananas?: Peaches
Blue or red?: Both makes purple!
Walmart or target?: Walmart runs are a college staple
Spring or Fall?: see answer to Summer/Winter
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Sleep
What was the last meal you ate?: MEAL, the Larry's Egg Salad Sandwich sub I had for lunch.
High school or college?: High school with the knowledge I know now could be interesting...but college has been interesting itself...
Are you bored?: Frustrated
Last noise you heard?: My computer whiz
Last smell you sniffed?: My candles
Last time you went out of state/province?: Went to Cookville, TN with Paul
|| Friendship/Love ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe we each have a perfect match
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Maybe 3? And a dog?
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Trust and honesty and a shoulder to cry on
|| Other Info ||
Criminal record?: No
Do you speak any other languages?: A little bit of Spanish and learning Portuguese...I can also transcribe in the International Phonetic Alphabet now whooptie-cool-beans for me...
Last book you read: "The Virgin Suicides"
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: My pictures, my pillows, my books, my candles, my journals...
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: I'm a dweller and a worrier
Worst feeling in the world: Indecision
Who you love: My friends, family and PAUL!
Who you miss: My family and my Paul
|| You ||
Nickname(s): Jen
How old do you look?: I think I pretty much look my age...younger without makeup I bet...
How old do you act?: Generally act my age or older
Braces: Never...need them...
Do you have any pets?: ROCKY!
You get embarrassed: Yup
What makes you happy?: Those little things that make an otherwise ordinary day special...like finishing a good book, wearing a new skirt, spending time doing nothing with a friend...