Giving Thanks
I have a lot to be thankful for this year.
First I am thankful for my mom and dad. Without them I would not be here at all. My mom endured a lot to even have me. At six or so weeks she was in a serious car accident that killed her parents and injured my brothers and sister. Even though my mom was also injured she was blessed to find out the next day that she was still pregnant. To me this is amazing all by itself.
Not long after being back at home from the car accident my mom had rubella. So many things can go wrong for babies whose mom has had rubella. I do suffer some of those things. Being deaf in the left ear, having a minor learning disability, and who knows what else might come up in my later years.
My actual birth too was a blessing in that I was only five pounds eleven ounces. Small babies like me often didn't do well during the time period that I was born. So I really thank the Lord for giving me life.
That is another thing I am so thankful for, my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. Each and every day I am thankful that He helps me get up, go to work, and have the life I do. There was a time when people with disabilities were just left outside to die or put into institutions. So I thank the Lord for allowing me to live in this amazing period of history.
I am thankful for my family. My brothers, sister, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and extended family are important to me. We have had our ups and downs over the years but I still love them all the same. I think life would be boring if we all got along one hundred percent of the time. So I am thankful for all our quirks.
I am thankful to have a job. In these hard and uncertain times the very fact that I found a job that is full time is a miracle. So rather then grumble about going to work I thank God I am able to go to work each day.
I am also thankful for my husband, Tom. He has been the light of my life in marriage for fifteen years. We have known each other for twenty-one years and counting as a matter of fact. Through the good and bad times he has been by my side to hold my hand and love me. And in return I have been able to do the same for him. I imagine us growing old together and just enjoying life as we travel this journey called life.
Every animal that has come into my life has been special in one way or another. All the moments cuddling on the couch, in bed, or just having them there as I went around the house doing whatever had to be done has been a treasure to me that will stay in my heart forever. I am thankful to be blessed to provide animals with a place to live and be loved.
My three guide dogs hold a special place in my heart. It is thanks to Hindi, Sunset, and Tennyson that I have my independence. I learned how to use a cane in high school to get around but due to my hearing problems and balance issues I am thankful that I can get out much more then I would have other wise.
The list of things to be thankful for goes on and on. May we all take the time to think of ten things you are thankful for. It is amazing how fast the things come to you and how quickly you can find more then ten things to be thankful for.
This is for LJ idol,
”therealljidol”, the week of Thanksgiving. We were given two free topics. I chose “Giving of Thanks”. Thank you for reading.