RP meme!

Aug 20, 2009 13:10

Ask a character a question, any question, and they HAVE to answer completely honestly. Have to. It's the meme rule. Even if they'd normally lie, they suddenly have been hit with a truth serum of some kind and must tell the truth. Bwaha.

Raven - creator_raven

X-23 - cutting_edgex23

Dean Winchester - hopeitsworthit

Nynaeve al'Meara - not_only_wisdom

Michael the Archangel - theunsmiling

Galadan Wolflord - wolflord_andain

Jordan Black - second_sighted

Door - iopenthings

Aslan - treading_dawn

(I would add Wondy here, but I have not EPd her yet, so. No dice. Maybe next time!)


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