
May 29, 2011 16:35

Okay, since a few 'verses spawned by RP over the time since I started Flynn (and Quorra, and the rest), Imma putting this up as reference so that when 'verse names are used, people who play with aren't (much) confused.

If your character is listed somewhere here but you'd rather s/he was in another 'verse, let us know?

Sam: hisfathers_son
Alan: legacyguardian
Lora: deceased
Quorra: quorrathexplora
David Bradley (Lora and Alan's son): hasabrother
Roy: user_zackattack
Tron: legacywarrior
Clu: sys_operator
Xia: lifeguard_iso
Amber: loves_beaches

This is generally the default 'verse, unless otherwise specified. After the reintegration, Sam and Quorra return to the User world. Quorra starts working as Sam's PA under the name of Cora Cray. They tell the story to Alan, as Sam... can use a touchstone, ahem.
Unbeknownst to them, Flynn gets spat out of the Portal on a street near the Arcade, with no memory who he is and how he got there. He's taken in to a hospital and eventually remembers, showing up at Alan's apartment to the general surprise. Flynn does not return to the public eye, let alone as Encom CEO, choosing a private life with his family.
Unbeknownst to ANYONE, the isomorphic virus didn't destroy all the ISOs in the Sea of simulation. Some very few survived, mutated, so to speak (because that is how life adapts to a virus), and even fewer appeared yet, over the cycles. One of them recognized Tron after he fell into the Sea, and with the help of her people, Xia managed to stabilize him until Alan found them and fixed Tron to normal, even slightly expanded, functionality. Tron and Xia are... sort of bonded, thanks to shared code/substance that she used to patch him when he was the most unstable at the beginning.
Later, slowly and rather painfully, Clu pulled himself together inside the Grid. After long conversation, mostly but not exclusively with Flynn and Tron (also with Alan, and Sam, and Quorra, and Xia), he submitted to modifications suggested by Flynn and executed by Flynn and Sam. Changing Clu's directive from create the perfect system to improve the system you are in, as more flexible, adding self-monitoring capabilities similar to Tron's, and, again with Clu's permission, clearing the many-hundreds-of-cycles accumulation of hatred for the ISOs, giving him a blank slate about them. Which latter has made communication with Xia and Quorra rather easier. All of them have made Clu's life easier.
Later because we didn't think of it sooner, Sam brought Roy inside the Grid, and there let Flynn tell him the entire story, bringing the entire surviving old guard up to speed.
Which leaves Amber, who is a friend. Once, a very, very long time ago (before the first movie), she and Flynn had a very brief fling, and after that were never again in contact. She lives in NYC, has two sons, is (comparatively) recently widowed with two grown sons, and works in the music industry, talent search and development. Among the people Flynn interacts with personally, she's one of the few who doesn't know about the Grid.

Sam: hisfathers_son
Alan: legacyguardian
Lora: chose_guardian
Quorra: quorrathexplora
Jet: gamewarrior
Roy: No journal
Tron: assentive
Clu: sys_operator
Ram: namesram
Eric (Kleinberg): No journal
Nicky: not_assigned
I was originally thinking Zuse: creepyguitar here, but MAYBE it's better for his interactions with Quorra to be in grid_lined?

This is generally the default 'verse, unless otherwise specified. After the reintegration, Sam and Quorra return to the User world. Quorra starts working as Sam's PA under the name of Cora Cray. They tell the story to Alan, as Sam... can use a touchstone, ahem.
Unbeknownst to them, Flynn gets spat out of the Portal on a street near the Arcade, with no memory who he is and how he got there. He's taken in to a hospital and eventually remembers, showing up at Alan's apartment to the general surprise. Since less work had gone into this 'verse, we could bring Roy in on the whole shebang shortly after Flynn reappeared, here. :-/ Flynn does not return to the public eye, let alone as Encom CEO, choosing a private life with his family.
In the outer world, Quorra made friends with Jet. Because she does that.
And with Roy. Drawing him out of his shell in ways nobody expected. Whatever happened between them, eventually he let her go. Because ... of many things, especially with how special she and Sam are for each other. Eventually, Nicky ended up working in the coffee shop that Roy frequents, and that story is heading in a good direction.
Inside the Grid... Tron showed up. And Flynn was at the console, and he rounded up Alan and they went inside and fixed him. Later, when Flynn was ready with an ID disc for him, Clu appeared, in very poor shape, and they ended up working on him.
With Roy on board, eventually Ram was recompiled and joined the gang, in and out of the Grid.

Home, Sweet Home
Sam: hisfathers_son
Alan: legacyguardian
Lora: chose_guardian
Quorra: quorrathexplora
David Bradley (Lora and Alan's son): hasabrother
Roy: No journal
Eric (Kleinberg): No journal
Tron: legacywarrior
Clu: sys_operator
Ram: namesram
Wulf (probably): runsinpacks

How exactly it happened remains to be written, but a page was sent from inside the Grid not twenty USER years after Flynn disappeared, but only twenty Grid cycles later. Alan and Lora went to investigate, found the laser, and Flynn and Quorra popped back into the real world. (Without reintegration! The mess on the Grid remains to be sorted out.) Sam got his Dad back still as a kid, Flynn returned as CEO of ENCOM, and many shenanigans ensued.

... everyone and anyone over there.
Most important difference is that Flynn was spat, after the reintegration, back inside the Grid. With no memory of who he is, no disc, and very little familiar to orient himself by, in the Outlands.
Eventually, he made his way back to awareness, and then back to the City.

All pre-Reintegration interactions/fics that do not contradict canon events in any way go here.

All post-Reintegration, not-'verse defined above interactions go here. Until they become consistent enough that they get their own 'verse. ;)

verse: home sweet home, verse: miracles, voice: ooc, type: reference, verse: canon, verse: [untitled], misc: disambiguation

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