Title: I've Paid For Your Mistakes
Fandom: Papa Roach/Atreyu
Pairing: Jacoby Shaddix/Alex Varkatzas
Word Count: 3823
POV: Third
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After a terrible fight with the wife at home, Coby ends up at the Muy Thai Kick Boxing Gym hoping to curb his anger and relieve some stress but when curiosity gets the best of him, he ends up with
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i go by those and they certainly are green but everybody is entitled to their own opinions and eye color can shift with what you wear. As for Alex's now his I can say have detered between hazel, brown and blue. If you have the 06 copy of AP from the Taste of Chaos ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v434/CravingThisDisaster/cover_212mar06_lg.jpg ) his are a stunning blue.
Yes on to the story because we'll be in that debate probably for forever lol. I had actually never considered the pairing before my friend suggested it because she wanted to read it and I saw it as a challenge for myself. As you can plainly see I had way too much fun with it and as i told xxrevenge666xx no such thing as too hot.
Maybe a sequal. I did leave it open enough for one with the wife at home buahah.
Thank you for the review though now that I'm done babbling =)
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