Apr 05, 2005 17:47
ok, so, as I sat on the phone a few seconds earlier, reading vicariously through connie, I suddenly realized what 'deep' means to the two of us. I would put it in words, but to anyone other than the two of us, the only thing that would be discerned would be a sense of superficiality. or ignorance of an accepted stero/archetype. so, 'what,' you might ask 'is this entry all about?'. I want to discuss how some people use 'deep' as armor. they coat themselves in depth so as to avoid controversy or confrontation. they gab of escape as if they know what they speak of; as if they have known some pure sort of emotion to run from. why run from anything less than concentrate? nothing pure exists anymore. nothing. to quote the person im critiquing, 'margarine is one molecule away from plastic' just as the purest of pure things will always and forever more be one molecule, atom, or quark away from purity. to be pure is to be divine, and im not sure if even god can manage purity with even the slightest though of the state of our world. not to say that things couldn’t be worse, but were definitely bad off. but in any case, the was another point I wanted to get to. when you run from something, youre always running towards something else. what if what youre accidentally running toward is far worse that what youre running from? I don’t run; and its not out of idleness either. I don’t run because im afraid of what I might run into on my flight from something bad. from bad to worse is not a step I like to take, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil. a lot of people frown on that phrase, 'necessary evil', but what I think they don’t, or refuse to realize is that evil is just as necessary as good. one with out the other would be as pointless as running. grey is not control. grey is the color of an indecisive and shallow person. the abysmal depths of the ocean are black, not grey. they are a void. veil yourself in depth, but just know that depth is a crushing experience. that’s why all of the creatures who have to deal with it on a regular basis have no spine.
less than three, Russell C.