May 20, 2013 14:19
Im pregnant!! I took the test yesterday (and again today, had to make sure). I was at a friends house helping out with bridesmaid stuff, and mentioned that I was a day late for my shark week when I've been VERY regular. I was told to take a test but I didnt want to because I didnt want to be disappointed (especially since we've been trying). Well after I left I was driving home and decided to stop at Target and get a test. I walked straight to the bathroom, and took the test, and within 30 seconds, I texted two people with the picture of the test and was like "Tell me what that says. does it say what I think it does??". Both confirmed and I just sorta hid in the bathroom for a few minutes, then left, and called one of the friends that confirmed, and asked her like 50 times if it was possible to be a false positive and was reassured. Then I called my best friend when I was driving home and burst into tears, crying the entire 20 minutes it took to get home. I walked in and told Patrick to close his eyes, and then held the test up when he opened them again. He was like "Does this mean you're pregnant?" and I just burst into tears and nodded, and he hugged me as I cried. He's been great, and we're making lots of jokes about it. I actually know my conception date (May 4th) but the doctors go off of my last period so they say I'm 4 weeks along. I woke up this morning and Patrick was on his computer. I asked what he was doing and he said "trying to figure out the baby's due date" <3
So, May the Fourth be with you :P
P.S. We havn't told our parents yet, we're waiting for our doctor's appointment and when we see them in person, so while I dont think anyone on my friends list who still uses LJ actually has connections to my family, please dont spill until I'm ready to announce the news!!