Creative Writer Welcome Mat

Nov 07, 2009 10:51

This week's new members:

xshimmersx, thedomboss, chibikelzafox, sekali, erikas_ed3, gabcd86, hermionehp5972, tigerkitykat, cuddleykatie, elyselacroix, rueni, lessthen60

Welcome to Creative Writer!

This is your official welcome mat, an introduction to the fun which is our

community and an entreaty for you to join in.

How does it work?

Creative Writer is an online version of a writers' group. While writing

itself is usually a solitary occupation, what all writers need is contact

with other people who can give feedback, answer questions and, as with all

professions, provide guidance and a learning environment. While all artists

create their work, they can't create in a vacuum.

A writers group provides that environment. Here you are able to post

excerpts from your work and receive feedback, here you can learn from other

writers, here you can contribute to others, here is a safe place to grow

your talent.

So welcome to Creative Writer! Jump in, have some fun, any questions, feel

free to ask at any time.

A little history

Creative Writer was born in March 2001, the brain child of Joe Morris, who

was looking to make a place for new and seasoned writers to hone and show

off their craft. Some time after that, he passed on the community to

BethAnna, who revamped the site and injected her own sparkle into what soon

became a group of over a thousand members.

Unfortunately in February of 2006, Joe passed away suddenly and BethAnna's

life was thrown into turmoil. With the assistance of Ayoub, Creative Writer

was kept alive and well until BethAnna returned.

In June of 2007, BethAnna decided to pass on the baton to the current

maintainers - Windcharmer & Ayoub. windcharmer is the

maintainer of the Library of the Four Winds, a network of LJ writing

communities of which Creative Writer is now a part.

Any queries are welcomed by the both of us.

Community calendar

There are a number of regular events designed to inspire our members and we

hope you find them useful.

Monday - Round the table - Members are encouraged to talk

about their current projects and progress, ask questions, brag about their

word counts and achievements. Tell us what you've been up to, before we

pounce on you and ask what happened to that novel, or how that piece of

poetry is going. We like to hear how you are all doing.

Tuesday - Blockbuster - Stuck in your writing? Don't know what

to write at all? Need a direction? The Blockbuster is designed to give you

that start. Sometimes all we need to do is sit down and write and the words

will start to flow. Take the challenge and let your muse loose.

Wednesday - Outside the box - a puzzle or two to help you

think outside of the box.

Thursday - Weird word - English is a wonderful language, it is

full of some of the strangest words. Expand your vocabulary to include the

weird. Use the word as a challenge to write or simply as a curiousity.

Friday - Question - The question can be anything...about

writing, characterisation, a challenge, anything that sparks either

amusement or writing.

Saturday - Welcome mat - A welcome to all our new members that


Sunday - Grammar Quiz - A quick quiz to keep those grammar

neurons buzzing.

Rules for this community

- Members are encouraged to post regularly, though it is not a requirement,

a community is nothing without participation. Also regular posting of work

can be a source of motivation.

- All works submitted to this group must contain a header and the work

itself must be behind an LJ-CUT.

The header must contain the following:

Title: (the title of the work)

Author: (who wrote it - LJ name, handle, nickname, whatever the

author goes by)

Genre: (Sci-fi, fantasy, crime, chick lit, general, romance, etc)

Rating: (G - General, PG - Parental Guidance recommended, PG-13 - not

suitable for under 13, R - recommended for mature audiences, NC-17 - not

recommended for under 17, please err on the side of caution)

Warnings: (sexual situations, violence, blood, etc, anything that may

be of concern to the reader)

Critique: (Yes/No, what level - quick look through to give it your


Summary: (short summary - One to three lines of what the work is


Authors note: (thanking anyone who helped you with the work, anything

else you might like the reader to know).

- Creative Writer is a fully moderated/friends only community. It is

highly recommended that members posting original work lock their posts to

the community for their own protection.

- Please keep all entries free and clean of mature/inappropriate content.

There are children amongst our members. Please conduct yourself

appropriately. The posting of adult material is not condoned. Inappropriate

material will not pass moderator's review - the piece will be rejected with

a request to edit. Profanity should only be used in dialogue and only if

critical to the character. Any graphic sexuality or violence will be deleted

immediately or will not pass moderation review. If you are unsure, please

feel free to approach one of our moderators for advice.

- Please post entire works, not links to works on other journals. Link

only posts will be rejected during moderation.

- Fan fiction, or works not of the members own creation, are not accepted

here. For fan fiction please visit libraryofwinds. For

plagiarism, see the nearest law courts.


- As a writer do not expect feedback. It is not guaranteed and it is not


- As a reader, please give feedback freely. We all enjoy acknowledgement

and as this community is designed for support, it should be noted that

nothing motivates more than constructive feedback.

- As a giver of feedback please be honest and constructive, but gentle.

Consider others feelings.

- As a receiver of feedback, remember to thank the reader for taking the

time to read your work.

- Posts/comments complaining about lack of feedback and demanding attention

will be deleted and the member warned. If unpleasantness ensues, the member

will be kicked out.

In summary, do unto others what you would wish them to do unto you.

Give and you will be given.

Write and you will receive.

But if you expect...

Expect disappointment.

If you demand...

You demand ignorance.

For a gift can only be given by a giver

And received by the same.
- The Librarian does not speak

chat speak, so if you want to be understood, proper English or other

language is a good idea.

- Play nice, windcharmer carries a yard long steel ruler around

with her, misbehave and expect painful knuckles.

- The Librarian reserves the right to ban and/or kick out any malcontents.

Please play nice or she will call in a tornado.

- All queries to windcharmer

All in all, remember, we all write for enjoyment, so enjoy yourselves.

How to make and LJ-cut

Cut and paste the following into your post.

<*lj-cut text="Title of your work here"*>Title of your work here

Content here.


Remove the * to make the code work.


Have fun and here's to great writing!

Windcharmer & Ayoub

(your local Creative Writer facilitators)

welcome mat, admin

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