zambia, pt. 1

Aug 26, 2008 07:30

morning walk along the zambezi river

zambia was amazing, amazing, amazing! it was beautiful, and the weather was gorgeous (a bit too hot at times, but thank god for hats). livingstone and mfuwe may now be my favorite african vacation spots (after cape town, of course!). we started out in lusaka visiting old friends and family, did some driving through some of the villages...

we stopped through a farm, which was very depressing for me because of how poorly the animals were being treated. the farm was clearly very active in slaughtering and selling its animals. it was beautiful to walk around the area though and visit with the cows and peacocks.

after a couple of days in smoggy lusaka, we left for livingstone. it was absolutely breathtaking and beautiful and HOT.

we took many walks and hikes while in livingstone, but my favorite thing to do was walk along the river, especially near the victoria falls. lots of monkeys and babboons, fresh air, and places to relax. the innocent looking monkey below attempted to run off with my water bottle soon after.

it was not unusual to run into some friends on walks...

no big deal.

the victoria falls...

unfortunately, because of the political climate in zimbabwe right now, we didn't go visit the zimbabwean side of the falls.

the bridge from zambia to zimbabwe, and the zimbabwean side of the falls.



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