Aug 15, 2007 15:56
Title: In the Eyes
Fandom: Young Avengers/ New X-men
Pairing: Tommy(Speed)/Victor(Anole)
Theme: #3 Echo
Raiting: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own, please don’t sue.
Victor took a deep breath; he was finally going to confess to Tommy his feelings for him. He was still afraid at how the other boy might react, just because his twin was gay didn’t mean that he felt the same way about other guys. Taking another deep breath he walked up to the silver haired speedster. “Um, T-tommy?”
Tommy turned around on the heel of his foot. “Yeah? Did you want some thing?”
Victor lowered his head to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. “Well, I-I just wanted to tell you-!!” His eyes widened as soft lips pressed against his own.
Tommy pulled back, softly smirking.
Victor looked him in the eye and saw his own feelings being echoed back to him through Tommy’s. “You mean you-?”
“Yeah. I do.”
He smiled and leaned for another kiss.
--------later on that evening-----
“By the way Tommy, how did you know what I was going to say?”
“Eh, I just know when people love me.” Tommy smirked when he saw his new boyfriend’s eyes roll. “Well, there that and the fact that your friends ratted you out also helped too.”
Well, it's certainly been a while since I last updated this thing. XD I blame WoW.
new x-men,
young avengers,