Drabble: Darkest Before Dawn

Nov 16, 2004 04:00

Title: Darkest Before Dawn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Cho/Pansy
Length: 200 words
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Cho is Catholic.
Additional Notes: I was writing holiday drabbles for people when this popped up. No one requested for Cho/Pansy so I thought I might as well post it now anyway. Er, yes. Also, there is an explanation for the title and I've put in allusions in the drabble, but they'll be longer than the actual drabble, so, yeah. Don't mind what it means anymore, just read it and hopefully enjoy it. :P
Edit: For fanfic100, for the prompt Dark.

There were few words, the softest of sighs and incomprehensible, perhaps guttural sounds made from the back of their throats. Lips moved, hands fluttered, breaths ghosted over skin which grew damp with sweat and come and the tongues that licked down necks and collarbones and swirled over nipples. The sheets clung to them even as Cho wrapped a leg around Pansy's waist and Pansy's arms went around Cho's neck so fingers could tangle into hair, long and sleek and as black as hers.

"Fuck," Pansy moaned as Cho bent over to suck at her breast, long fine hair brushing over to tickle her chest, tongue gentle and warm and oh, gods.

"Fuck," Cho gasped, other words dissolving into the stillness of Sunday dawn as Pansy reached down to touch her between her legs, rubbing and stroking and oh, gods.

"Christ." Even.

Cho shuddered when she came, and Pansy held her to her chest when she did.

Pansy stroked her hair, and Cho sighed into the crook of Pansy's neck, peppering it with small kisses before Pansy tilted her face and pecked her softly on the nose.

Somewhere a rooster crowed thrice, and Cho remembered she had to go to Church.

type: femmeslash, word count: 200, character: cho chang, type: rare ships, rating: r, challenge: fanfic100, character: pansy parkinson

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