Drabble: What Girls Know (Harry/Hermione)

Dec 25, 2004 23:25

Title: What Girls Know
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Length: 250 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Ron talk. Girls know everything.
Additional Notes: Can you believe it? Neither can I. Harry/Hermione, the ship I never thought I'd write, but I do love a challenge, and abilizersparkle prompted me with H/Hr and a fluffy Christmas. Honestly, Hannah, I've no idea why we're friends. *giggles* Merry Christmas anyway! *snuggles*

"You know you've got to tell her soon."

Harry's attention snapped back to Ron. "That obvious, huh?"

Ron grinned sheepishly. "Well, no. Pansy had to tell me."

"Smart girl, that Pansy, eh?"

"She Knows Things, Harry."

"Er, right. And what does she have to say about me?"

Ron shrugged. "You should tell her before she thinks there's absolutely no chance and then she'll go off and look for someone else."

Harry blinked. "Will she? But she's smart and stuff, wouldn't she know I like her?"

"Oh she does," Ron said casually. "But she doesn't want to presume anyway."

"That's silly, I like her!"

"Then tell her!"

"Why doesn't she just tell me then?"

Ron paused, leaning in closer, in a conspiratorial manner. "It didn't come from me, but Pansy says there's A Book on this. Only girls can read it, and it's like Their Guide to Life and Love or something."

"You believe everything Pansy tells you?"

"She's told me some of Their Most Secret Quotes," Ron leant back with a smug smile. "Says I ought to know, before I do anything stupid and she has to break up with me."



Harry finally gathered up his nerve on Christmas Day.


"Yes?" She turned to him with soft brown eyes, and Harry forgot what he had to say.

"I, er--well."

Hermione smiled. "I know, Harry. Me too."

"You do? Oh, I--" but Harry said nothing else, because Hermione leant up to kiss him.

"Happy Christmas, Harry."

type: het, rating: pg, character: hermione granger, character: harry potter, word count: 201-500

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