Drabble: Caught Off-Guard (Dean/Padma

Dec 25, 2004 23:00

Title: Caught Off-Guard
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Dean/Padma
Length: 200 words
Rating: PG
Additional Notes: Also for mauraders. Merry Christmas! <3
Edit: For fanfic100, for the prompt Red.

When Padma turned around one day, she found Dean Thomas gazing at her curiously.

"Yes?" she asked, rather politely, a bit surprised with the intensity of the stare and just a little bit disturbed as well.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were, ah--" Dean snapped out of his daze, shaking his head slightly and offering Padma a sheepish grin. "I was just..."

Padma raised an eyebrow and remained silent, watching Dean curiously as he gestured around with his fingers.

"Well, you looked deep in thought and I thought with the angle and your face half-turned, and well, yeah, you kind of, er. Well it's different from Parvati somehow, the angles and the bone structure and there's the way you carry yourself and, ah, I should stop rambling now, yeah?" Dean grinned in an embarrassed sort of way that made the corner of Padma's mouth curve ever so slightly up in amusement.

"I see," she nodded tentatively. Dean's face broke out in a relieved grin. "And?"

"You wouldn't mind if I drew you, would you?" Dean blurted out.

It was the first time Padma had been caught off-guard, and Dean thought she was even prettier when she blushed.

word count: 200, type: het, rating: pg, type: rare ships, character: padma patil, challenge: fanfic100, character: dean thomas

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