Title: What Happened After Harry Died Laughing
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Length: 200 words
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry dies laughing, and then this happens. Um.
Additional Notes: For
klave, who requested Harry/Draco and tinsel. Brings back GnH memories, that it does. ;) Happy Christmas, love. <3
"Tell me again how this happened?"
Draco glared at the look of amusement which Harry was trying, and - as his was a very poor attempt to begin with - failing, to hide.
"No, really," Harry hastily said, straightening his face so that his mouth didn't twitch slightly up.
Draco continued giving him a suspicious look, but relented after a few moments. "I wanted to surprise you," he started.
Harry nodded, willing himself to keep a straight face.
"So I got the idea, and, well, you get the picture," Draco gestured feebly, face flushing.
"I think you'll have to be more detailed than that," Harry said, shaking his head. God, the things Draco got himself into. Harry almost felt sorry for what he had to say next. "I won't help you if you don't tell me."
Draco's eye twitched.
So did Harry's lips.
"I thought it would be a good idea to wrap myself up for you," Draco gritted out finally. "Except--"
"There'd been no wrapping paper," Harry supplied.
Draco nodded. "Only--"
"And a spell gone mad," Draco pouted from where he lay sideways on the floor, naked and tied up in different sparkly colours of tinsel.