Title: Stress Management (1/5)
amyo67 Rated: Adult
Pairing/Characters: Nine/Rose, Martha Jones
Summary: The TARDIS is feeling a bit stressed, so the Doctor seizes the chance to take Rose on a holiday all their own.
The rest of the series can be found:
H E R E The TARDIS rumbled as all her systems locked up. The Doctor raced frantically around the console trying to make sure she was functioning properly. Handbrake? Released. Temporal stabilizers? Normal.
He checked each component, only to find it was functioning normally. Which was a bit mad because if it was functioning properly, the TARDIS would not be locking him out.
Finally after several minutes, in which the entire console room turned a very undesirable shade of mauve, the cloister bells started sounding, and he got thrown to the floor, the TARDIS settled down. The Doctor pushed onto his knees and leaned against the console. He rested his cheek against the coral.
“What is it girl?” he asked softly, brushing his fingertips over the rough surface. “What’s happened? Is it the monitor? That’s the only thing that’s changed. If you don’t like it, I can use a different one.” He closed his eyes and whispered soothingly to his ship in the ancient language they both knew so well.
The TARDIS was tense, for some reason. Worrisome, perhaps?
“Is she alright?” Rose asked tentatively, just before appearing in front of him. He didn’t have to open his eyes to know she was also on her knees, mirroring his position.
There was a gentle shuffle at his side and he could smell the gentle scent of honey that often accompanied Martha. “What’s wrong with her? Is she sick?” Martha asked. Judging by the closeness of her voice, she was also on the floor with them.
“You have everyone worried, girl,” the Doctor whispered. “So show me what’s wrong.” The only response from his ship was a deep hum. A few faint images that he couldn’t really decipher flittered across his mind. He felt the urge to open his eyes and knew it hadn’t come from his own mind. When he opened his eyes, he saw Rose with her own cheek pressed against the console.
Worry that wasn’t his nudged at his senses. His mind filled with thoughts of Rose.
“I can’t help you, if you don’t give me an answer,” he said softly.
The TARDIS replied with a hum that he could only describe as her sighing in annoyance. He pulled back and studied the console with a frown. “The only thing I can figure out is that she’s upset over something and I’m just not ‘getting’ it.” He sighed and shook his head. “Women. No matter the species, they can’t give a straight answer and wonder why men are so confused.”
Martha leaned in and hugged both him and Rose. “Maybe she just needs a good cheering up, yeah?”
The Doctor nodded indifferently. “She may just need a bit of time to herself. It happens occasionally. Even the TARDIS needs a vacation once in a while.” He patted the coral gently. “Though she could have chosen a better place than the Powell Estates in the twenty-first century.”
“Oi!” Rose and Martha barked in offence.
Loud, frantic knocking on the TARDIS snapped the trio out of their conversation. The Doctor climbed to his feet and peeked out the door. He glared at Jackie Tyler. “No thanks, we have plenty of make-up and plastic containers.” He made to shut the door only to have the older woman shove past.
“What the hell was that lot?” she demanded. “I’m up there, watching for you lot to fade off into some adventure and suddenly this ship starts making some sort of weird screaming sound. Are you girls alright?”
Rose and Martha struggled onto their own feet. “Yeah, Mum, we’re good.”
“The TARDIS is a bit stressed though,” Martha chimed in. “The Doctor can’t figure out why.”
Jackie made a face that could only say she had no comprehension of how a ship could be feeling stressed. “I suppose that means I have to put up with you two holding up for a day or two while everything gets sorted?” She looked at him, her eyes glancing over him like it was possibly the worst thing that could happen.
The Doctor shared her sentiments. A day or two of Jackie Tyler making snide comments about him shagging Rose? He was more tempted to hunt down a hotel and keep Rose there with him. Come to think of it, that wasn’t a half bad idea.
Actually, it was a fantastic idea.
They could make sure Martha made it safely home, then go to a hotel. They would stop by to check on the TARDIS everyday, until she got to feeling better, stop by and pick up Martha, and be on their way to the stars!
The Doctor grinned, which replaced Jackie’s displeased expression with a somewhat perturbed one. “Actually. I have a better idea,” he said, unable to keep the delight out of his voice.
Chapter Two